The one…the only

I’ve had an interesting week. I am currently recovering from a UTI, which unfortunately needed antibiotics.

I felt a bit rough, but I am feeling better now.

It was such a shame because I had been doing so well. And since someone suggested I try the Intrarosa pessary, I have been pretty much UTI free.

I lost my ovaries to the treatment for bowel cancer at 36. And I was prescribed some very basic HRT after that.

I set out on a voyage of discovery a few years ago to get a better quality treatment for the symptoms I was experiencing, which I did for the most part.

I was using the Vagifem pessary for a while, but it wasn’t any good at improving the rate I was experiencing UTIs. I was pretty despondent to be honest. I wanted to live a full life, but my body was letting me down, and I was afraid to do certain things because I just assumed I’d end up on antibiotics to treat a bladder infection again. So I became very risk averse and self limiting, because I just didn’t want the hassle of having to get more antibiotics.

It was only when I saw Dr Louise Newsom’s post on instagram about vaginal pessaries, where I put a comment saying they weren’t working for me, that someone in America responded to my comment saying they’d had the same issue, and they felt very low about it until someone had recommended that she try Intrarosa, and that it had made the world of difference to her - and she was now happily living a very active and full life, and everyone was reaping the benefits of it.

So I took a note of the name of pessary and visited my private GP to ask to try them. She hadn’t heard of it but she googled it, found them on the system and prescribed them for me. And they have made a world of difference!

Some women struggle with UTIs, and some will find Vagifem does the trick.

But some women will have more complex needs and complications, and therefore need something a bit extra to help.

I would recommend you speak to your GP about trying Intrarosa if you are struggling with frequent UTI symptoms.

They have helped me immensely, even if I had a blip last week.

The thought of having to limit myself in any way because my body is letting me down really makes me sad. So I will do whatever it takes to live a full life.


So what have I been up to? Well, not much for a bit because I wasn’t feeling particularly fluffy.

But as ever, I got myself up and dressed, slapped a face full of make up on and carried on.

Top from Ralph Lauren, Trousers from M&S, Shoes from Aquazurra.

I was wanting to wear these shoes with this outfit, but I felt it was probably a bit over the top for a trip to the opticians ;)

They are super cute though.

I paired it with a slightly less showy pair from Gucci.

My lovely friend Laura invited me out on a walk, which I’m so glad she did, because I probably wouldn’t have gone if she hadn’t. I was feeling less than enthusiastic about going, so it was good to know I had to go because I said I would.

Top from M&S, Leggings from Tesco.

Then Friday, whilst already feeling pretty grim, I went to my final appointment to get the remaining skin cancer bits removed. So that was fun! 😂

Actually, it was fine. A bit stingy, but nothing too bad. So if you notice any skin changes make sure you go asap! While they are small enough to treat easily. Time is of the essence, do not delay. And that goes for anything, any changes you notice, get them checked as soon as you can.

Top from Ralph Lauren, Trousers from M&S, Shoes from Tory Burch.

These final ones were treated with liquid nitrogen. So basically they were frozen off. Which doesn’t hurt. It stings a bit but nothing like you’d expect.

I was thinking it was going to be awful. I’d worked myself up into a bit of a state about it. But honestly there was no need. It was fine.

Saturday was pissing down, so I spent the day in my pjs, going through boxes of old photos, which was really lovely, time goes by so fast doesn’t it. Where did it go?

Then Sunday, the weather broke and we ventured out. I was on the hunt for a black dress to wear with the red shoes. We headed to Harrods because I had some money to spend on my Harrods Clubcard…although they prefer to call it a rewards card, but same difference. ;)

Waistcoat from M&S, Skirt from Ralph Lauren, Camisole from ASOS, Shoes from Hermes, Bag from Dior.

Well, I failed in my quest to find a dress, having tried on too many to count, I gave up and we went to eat instead.

(I mean, I’m not too bothered, I have dresses, I just had a particular brand in mind, but their large is too big, and their medium is too small, so that’s no good to me sadly).

I didn’t get a dress, or anything to wear, by I did get a belly full of delicious food.

Plus the Christmas department is now open!!

Stop!! Before you come at me with all that “it’s too early” negativity nonsense. No! It isn’t !! 😂

Mainly because it’s never too early for Christmas! 🤶🏻

I found a beautiful little budgerigar tree decoration. Which was super cute.

I have decided to get a real life version budgie. I realised the other day that I often feel quite lonely in the day time. I’m no longer needed for anything by my boys. They both moved out years ago, and to be honest I’ve struggled with that ever since.

When you decide to have a baby, sometimes we forget to factor in that they grown up and leave home. Empty nest syndrome is real, believe me.

I was born a nurturer. All I ever wanted to be was a children’s Nanny, a mother and a wife (and some might judge me for having low expectations of life, but I wanted it from a very young age, I achieved it all, and loved my time doing it).

But all good things come to an end. And although I am still a mother, it’s just a title now, with no job description, no duties to carry out.

I realised I missed looking after something. So, as I have no wish for the tie of a dog, and neither Chris or I like cats, and he said no to miniature donkeys and goats, and I hate getting my arms wet changing fish tanks…I decided that a budgie would be the ideal way to use my nurturing instincts, and have a bit of company in the day time.

I decided against buying this decoration as it was twice the price of an actual budgie!

But it did seem like a sign to pursue my birdy idea.

We finished our food and headed back home. On the way Chris decided to surprise me, and take me on that cable car thing across the Thames.

He knows I’ve been contemplating conquering the fear to go on it for a while.

I have a pathetic and pathological fear of heights, and cable cars.

So I was feeling a bit nervous about how I’d behave on it. Having shamed myself on many and various cable cars over the years hahaha.

Well, as luck would have it, there was no parking available, and the queue was massive, so we decided to give up on that idea.

I jokingly said “we could go on the Woolwich ferry, my nan used to take me there for a day out”.

He didn’t say anything, but then we drove round, and we ended up at the Woolwich ferry!!

(Woolwich ~ wool-ich , not wool-witch in case you were wondering).

It’s a free ferry crossing across the Thames.

It’s been running for years. My nan used to take me on the bus from her home in East Ham, and we’d go and catch the ferry. That was the day out. I don’t recall getting off the other side. I just remember going backwards and forwards on it.

The only problem is, if you go on it in a car, you are not allowed out of the car, even if you are just the passenger.

Which meant I couldn’t really get the full experience from in there.

So Chris drove off the other side, went to the roundabout, where I got out of the car, and then I ran back to the ferry to get on as a foot passenger, while he drove on.

…out in the fresh air as a foot passenger, as I did with my nan all those years ago. Like 43 years ago.

It was heaven. My nanny Nelly was lovely, and I do feel I was probably her favourite…just don’t tell the others I said that! 😂

I also had to run off the ferry the other side, to get back in the car, for fear I’d miss the opportunity to get in and I’d have ended up walking miles to catch up with him.

Feeling the memories wash over me.

It was a lovely day out back then, and a lovely day out now.

Then bank holiday Monday I booked a treat day for Chris.

We met Ben for brunch. Then I took Chris for a couples, two hour Thai massage.

I would say it was very relaxing, but Chris has a chronic back condition, which causes him excruciating pain daily, and has done for the last thirty odd years.

(Honestly that man is super human. Most people in the amount of pain he’s in would be in a ball on the floor whimpering. But he’s so stoic, he just gets on with it, he is my hero).

But the very tiny Thai masseuse was having a right struggle to release his spasmed muscles. So my relaxing massage was done with the noise of the poor woman huffing and puffing, trying to help him, whilst apologising to him for the pain she was causing him…for 2 hours.

She is a miracle worker though, because although painful, he did feel somewhat better after.

And he’s going back next week for more, so hopefully that, along with his physio sessions, he will get some much needed relief and hopefully some restful sleep.

Top from Kate Spade, Jeans from Monsoon, Shoes from Gina, Bag from Sienna Miller at M&S.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at home, chilling out watching trashy films.

Then Tuesday was very productive. I had offered to drive my mum over to her sister’s house.

I hate driving, I tend to avoid it at all costs, but to get to my aunt’s house in Surrey it would take over 3 hours on the train for me and cost a fortune.

So I drove the 50 minutes away to pick up my mum, and then we drove the two hours round to my aunt’s house.

It was still a long way to go for me, but at least it’s in the comfort of my own car, and not having to catch multiple trains, full of possibly thousands of passengers, some potentially ill with god knows what bugs. I prefer the less potentially germy route. Even though I don’t usually drive that sort of distance.

I arrived at my parent’s house and my dad said

“Oh! Where’s the wedding? You look like a bridesmaid!”

I thanked him for his lovely compliment. To which he replied “I didn’t mean it as a compliment!”

…and I said “it’s irrelevant to me how you meant it, I’m taking it as a compliment because you noticed how pretty my dress looked!” 😂🥰

It is a very pretty dress, I bought it in May, and this was the first time I’ve worn it.

Dress from Me & Em, Shoes from Dior.

…it’s pretty enough to be a bridesmaid dress, as endorsed by my dad. ;)

We had a wonderful time with my aunt, she’s absolutely lovely, and it was nice for my mum and her to get together.

We had a lovely lunch out, and we’ll definitely be doing the journey again soon, before the evening’s get dark and I lose my nerve. :)

I’ve been out and about today but I’ve got to be honest, the six hours of driving the day before had exhausted me. I did say I was feeble.

I’m having my B12 shot on Monday and it can’t come soon enough!

Top from Ralph Lauren, Trousers from Michael Kors, Shoes from Gina

I’m very much looking forward to my boost on Monday, it should keep me going for a few weeks. :)


Whilst going through the photos on Saturday I came across some photos of me when I was 18 ~ in my Romford market ~ Hunza G ~ knock off bikinis.

I was a very unsophisticated teenager (unlike the youth of today) I doubt at the time that I even knew there were any other sort, other than Romford market stall bikinis to buy.

In fact, until quite recently I thought Hunza was a type of fabric, rather than a brand name.

I bought most, if not all, my clothes from the market back then.

(This is probably why I’m so adverse to anything fake now, because I had to have fakes back then, I simply didn’t even have the money to buy from high street shops, let alone high end shops, I was most definitely a Romford market stall gal!

Me now? I’d rather have a lesser cost real brand, than anything fake ever. I have toyed with the idea a few times in the past, but it’s just not something that would bring me joy, so I don’t.

I have no opinion about what anyone else does, you do you - always. But it’s just not for me).

I had the bubblegum pink and a green one. And weirdly when I recently bought my first actual Hunza G bikinis I bought the same colours 🩷💚 it must have been a deep memory in my head.

I buy from their coverage range, because I’m older and wiser now, and have no wish for my whole arse to be on show, and if you were to holiday with me, you’d thank me for that too.


18 years old and on my first and only ever girls trip. Tenerife 1991

Although now I’ve had to invest in the Xandra style, with the straps, due to weight and gravity taking its toll on my boobs. 😂

My Romford market ones were a copy of the Jean style.

  • I buy the Xandra ones, they don’t offer much support, but realistically I need all and any help I can get, so the Jean ones would be down by my thighs these days.

Like I said, my personal preference is that I don’t wish to buy or wear anything fake, that is my choice, I appreciate it’s probably a ridiculous stance to make, I completely understand why people would think it, but I’m okay with that.

That said, I don’t want to waste money on things that I don’t feel are that important to me.

For example, I was looking for beach shoes to wear next year in Corfu, because we are going to go to a stoney beach. And it’s nigh on impossible to walk to the sea without falling over without beach shoes.

So I found a pair I liked, which reminded me of ones I had as a child…

Jellies 😍

But I just wasn’t happy to pay £155 for sea faring shoes.

So I googled again and found these ones…

For £10.50 in the sale from ASOS.

And I thought they are absolutely exactly what I wanted and needed.

And the perfect price for sea shoes.

So hopefully I won’t be going arse over tit on the beach next May. I can dream.

I hope you are well, I hope you are happy.

Much love. Adventures to be had. See you soon.

*If you ever have any questions about stomas, or anything you want to know. Please feel free to get in touch. I’m happy to answer anything. Xx


Chris and I have been together for 31 years today.

I met him at a mutual friends party, and fell instantly in love with him, well, lust, but then love.

He is the most incredible human being I’ve ever met. I knew he was the one.

It was always him that I was waiting for.

At the grand old age of 20, after so many let downs, I was so very close on giving up finding love, packing life in and becoming a nun…well, maybe not a nun, but definitely a recluse. 😂

And then I found him. Here’s to 31 more years, and 31 more years after that too CD. Xx