
Hello again, thank god you came back, otherwise it’s just me talking to the wind…

What a week that was. I did have go to bed early on Sunday night because this old gal isn’t made for burning the candle at both ends anymore, if ever I was.

The weather has finally turned summery, which is a blessed relief, because quite honestly I feared it would never come.

I wore dresses for a few days because I had a big weekend coming up, and if I want a much hoped for problem free amount of time, I need to prep early.

It didn’t quite pan out how I’d hoped, but all was not lost. Everything worked out for the best anyway.

So last week I treated myself to a new tooth, as you do…well, sort of. I treated myself to a composite bonding on one of my teeth. My teeth are very traditionally English and wonky, and I am pretty unbothered by that.

I had braces, I had them for a long time actually, believe it or not. The first lot from 14-18 years old. I then lost the retainer and they moved again. I didn’t know you had to wear it forever.

Then Chris paid for more braces for me from 28-29 years old…and guess what, yeah, I lost the retainer and they moved again.

So I knew that a long term commitment wasn’t for me.

But I had this one tooth that annoyed me because in some photos it looked like I had a tooth missing, as it was set back from the others.

So I decided to have it remedied with a composite bonding on the tooth. I should point out, I am the biggest coward on the planet when it comes to my teeth. Especially since having to have a back tooth extracted, because I cracked it in half by grinding my teeth in the night.

But my dentist is the best! He’s so patient and kind, and helps with my dental anxiety. So I trusted him to do a great job, and he did!

Dress from a boutique in Dunmow years ago, Shoes from Gina.

The before…

And the after…

It’s not a monumental change. It’s not like I went full on Essex veneered gnashers, but it’s what I was after, and I’m very pleased with the results.

How long will it be before I grind it off? Not long probably. But I felt it was worth a try.

Dress from Me&Em, Shoes from Hermes

It was so nice to be able to start wearing the incredible summer wardrobe I’ve spent a fortune on, because I kept seeing beautiful things and lost track of what I had bought.

I think even if summer lasted for about 2 years solid I wouldn’t be able to get through all the amazing combinations I had in my head when I bought them.

But at least I’ve made a start.

Then Friday night was super exciting!! Last year when the tour dates were announced I said to Chris that I’d love to go to a Taylor Swift concert.

No, I’m not a dedicated Swiftie, I simply like her music, and her, and although she’s a billionaire (totally unnecessary in my opinion) she seems like a nice person.

I’m not her biggest fan in the world, I do like her, and I am invested in the whole Travis/Taylor love affair. It’s cute, they seem adorable together. I’m fully invested.

There have been loads of concerts that have come to London, and I have been unbothered to miss out on them, Beyonce, Madonna, The Spice Girls ~ totally not interested, but I really wanted to go to this one.

We missed out on buying tickets for ourselves, they were like gold dust, but as luck would have it, Chris was offered corporate hospitality tickets, and he knew just the customers he’d invite along to take to the show.

Which worked out very well for me as it happens because I get to go along with him too. I am an incredibly lucky person. I’ve always thought it and I stand by this statement.

We had a year to get excited and look forward to it. And I really was, until about 5 days before I was going and people kept saying what are you going to wear?

“Make sure you have plenty of sequins” etc etc, and I didn’t have a clue what they were on about. Until I started seeing people’s posts on social media, and I very quickly realised that you don’t just go to a Taylor Swift concert, there’s prep work to do.

Who knew?!?

When I went to Coldplay I didn’t dress up as Chris bloody Martin!! Nor when I went to Ed Sheeran.

It never occurred to me there would be so much pressure to conform and comply.

And I am the worst person for conforming to start with. I think I have Oppositional Defiance Disorder! I’m a nightmare. I hate dress codes.

I’ve always been quite contrary, Mary Mary has nothing on me. 😂

I appreciate and abide by (tolerate) the usual ones, your black tie, lounge suit, smart casual codes.

But, I hate fancy dress parties with a passion, and more than likely won’t go…And I really hate a colour code. Those invites that say come to my party - ‘wear red’ etc.

I’m either wearing what I want or I ain’t coming.

So I wound myself up into a ball of anxiety for Taylor Swift.

I couldn’t do the sparkles, sequins and tinsel dress code. I just didn’t have it in me, but mainly because I didn’t want to.

So I relented as much as I could, and bought a pair of sort of cowboy boots.

Cowboy/girl is my least favourite style. I don’t mean for other people, god, you do you babes, but for me? No, it’s not my thing.

But I did find a pair of boots in Ralph Lauren that were cowboy-ish, let’s call it cowboy adjacent. Mildly cowboy. Hahah

My friend Claire works in Ralph Lauren, in the shopping village near where I live, and she is constantly helping me find the right outfits, and she didn’t disappoint with these boots.

See what I mean, they’re slightly cowboy, which is about my limit.

So I wore a top that I had bought a couple of months ago, and wondered where the hell I was ever going to wear it. And a pair of jeans I bought in NYC in February, which are now a bit too big, but they cost a lot of money so I’m wearing them regardless.

Top and Bag from M&S, Jeans from Michael Kors, Belt from Hermes, Boots from Ralph Lauren.

Okay, so where’s the sparkle? Well, a bit of jewellery…and more importantly my personality and wit is all the sparkle you were going to get from me that night! Take it or leave it! Hahahaha

The other thing you have to do (I mean, I say ‘have to’, you don’t have to at all. But to conform and join in - you take and swap friendship bracelets).

Yes, I am aware I’m a 51 year old grandma. I was as mind boggled as you may well be reading this. :)

Anyway, I’d left it too late to get any from Amazon, so I went into my local town centre and bought some from Claire’s Accessories. A surprisingly expensive cheap shit shop as it turns out. Who knew?

Right, so outfit sorted, bracelets bought. I was ready to go.

I appreciate it’s a bold choice to wear white jeans on a night out, even without a stoma it’s bold, with one it’s ridiculously risky. But as I was incredibly constipated I thought I’d be perfectly safe, and I was right. Sometimes constipation can be a blessing. ;)

As I said, I’m not a huge fan, I’m not a Swiftie, but I enjoy her songs.

Chris has literally zero interest in her at all. But bless his heart he really got into the spirit of it all, and was carried away by the Taylor Zeitgeist.

I chose our bracelets for the occasion. His saying “tortured” and mine saying “the problem”…and a more perfect choice wouldn’t be found.

What to pack for a concert:

Everything you could possibly need, and more.

I found last time I went to Wembley they were not very stoma friendly and the staff doing the bag checks weren’t well trained enough to work out what is and is not allowed in.

I was told I couldn’t take my bag release spray last time. So knowing that I switched to the bag release wipes, to save myself the hassle of arguing with under trained security staff.

Tissues are needed just in case it runs out in the loos, there’s nothing worse.

My radar key for visiting the disabled toilets.

(I have nothing but praise for the staff I encountered on Friday night. I was treated very well by a staff member I asked for help from, because I’d left my radar key in my bag back at the table with Chris.

So the staff member used his radar key to allow me access to the toilets. I did have wait for the person before me to come out, and the usher man very kindly and patiently waited with me. As I was waiting a lady using a walking stick came up behind me to wait. I panicked that she would think I was using the disabled toilet without need, so I turned to her and blurted out “I am allowed, I have a stoma”

And she looked at me and laughed and said “don’t worry. I didn’t ask!”

We both laughed, but she knew where I was coming from. Because as someone with MS, she doesn’t always need her cane, and she gets people questioning her right to be in disabled spaces all the time.

I myself am not disabled, I’m actually better off now than the misdiagnosed years.

If anything I consider myself bionic rather than disabled. But I do need to use the disabled toilets every now and then, because I have a radiotherapy damaged bladder. And of course, a bag of poop attached to my abdomen. So if there is a long queue at the general access toilets, I will use the disabled ones.

But it’s often a contentious issue. Some people believe that the disabled toilets are only for wheelchair users. But that simply isn’t the case. People with stomas, and bowel conditions need to use disabled toilets too, often actually).

It really is about time the world got a grip with hidden disabilities. I had a very good experience. But I know of other people who went the following night that didn’t.

No one should be shamed and persecuted for having a disability that doesn’t outwardly show.

There are literal signs by a lot of disabled toilets that also show a standing person, which states very clearly “Not all disabilities are visible”.

Repeat after me; it’s none of your ******* business why anyone is in the queue.

It’s okay to not question people.

I wanted to go to this particular concert despite knowing I’m not good in crowds. And my god, were there crowds!

I hadn’t factored in the actual numbers, and to be honest, I don’t think I’d go again.

She’s sold out eight shows in London alone. 88 thousand people a night. What was I thinking?

I like her. She’s hugely popular, incredibly talented, and seemingly a really nice person.

But her concerts are the least eco friendly events imaginable. From the plastic sequins, tinsel, glitter…and friendship bracelets, to her use of her private jet. It’s all pretty murky planet-killing wise.

But putting that aside, the woman is a machine! Nearly four hours of music and dancing. I honestly have no idea how she does it. We had to have a few sit downs throughout the evening, and there’s her running up and down singing…and playing guitar too!

…When I say he got into it. I wasn’t kidding, he got into it, he was all in!! 🤩

He cracks me up, and that’s why I love him!

We had such a great time. The company was exceptional, I knew it would be! It was so nice to catch up with Steph and Kam.

It was also handy that both Kam and I discovered that although we like Taylor Swift, neither of us actually know that many of her songs. I knew about five songs, and I only knew the choruses of those 5, pretty much the same for Kam. So at least we were equally as clueless…and Chris knew even less than us! Hahahah.

It didn’t matter though, she’s a fabulous performer, it was so entertaining, even if we couldn’t sing along with the actual Swift army.

She is truly a superstar! ✨

We immersed ourselves fully into the night, full Taylor’s version style.

Mr and Mrs Swiftie

Because we had hospitality tickets we went back to the hospitality room we started the evening at, this time for sausage rolls and drinks. They even had vegan sausage rolls which was very impressive, and I was very grateful.

They promote this part of the package as something fancy, and call it ‘the after party’. It is technically an after party, but it’s not The after party. Don’t be expecting to mingle with the celebs, this is strictly muggles only. Hahahah.

But it is a great place to wait for the crowds to die down, unsurprisingly getting 88 thousand people on one train line after is a mess.

Even by the time we came out it was still horrendous.

  • The best place I’ve ever seen the crowds disperse quickly after an event was Madison Square Gardens. Because it’s so centrally located in the city people just stream out and walk away.

  • We came out of there and went straight into Macy’s. It was fabulous. No anxiety inducing queues, just straight out and straight into the comforting bosom of shopping. :)

Friday night was fantastic!! I loved it! I’m not sure I’d ever go to another concert again, but I really enjoyed this one.

I have to wear ear plugs as I suffer from tinnitus, which sets off vertigo when exposed to loud noise.

I knocked myself bandy a few weeks back by not closing the door on the fridge to turn the alarm off while I was cleaning it out. I was in a right pickle for days after, from the high pitched alarm.

So concert level noise unfiltered is a big no no.

I use Loop ear plugs, I bought them for sleep as I am a light sleeper, and I sleep with a loud snorer. They’re really good and worth investing in if you have sensitive ears.

Then Saturday was also very exciting!! We went to see polar bears!! Yes!! Actual polar bears!

We found out a few weeks back that Jimmy’s Farm in Suffolk has some new additions, polar bears being the main one.

So us and our group of friends decided to go see them.

Top and bag from M&S, Jeans from Monsoon, Shoes from Gucci

Who doesn’t want to see polar bears??!! Of all the bears they are probably the most exotic and unusual here in the UK.

And any excuse for a day out with friends is fine by me.

It’s a great little wildlife park now. And well worth a visit if you’re close enough.

I would recommend you check the weather forecast, we didn’t, and we found ourselves huddled in a tiny room hiding from the torrential downpour that seemed to come out of nowhere…apart from the looming black skies that followed us the entire time. ;)

Then Sunday was another great day out, and yes, I was exhausted by this time. I could have happily slept on the table.

We went into London to meet my baby cousin and her husband for lunch at Arros.

Top from M&S, Skirt from Ralph Lauren, Shoes from Gina, Bag from Goyard.

Yes, this top has sparkles on it. I didn’t say I didn’t have any sparkles to wear to the concert, I said I couldn’t, and more importantly would not conform.

I’d be a terrible Stepford wife…I mean, I’m not a particularly accomplished regular wife, but I’d be an even worse Stepford one! ;)

The food there is excellent! It’s making my mouth water typing this.

It’s the best paella we’ve ever had. Even better than in Spain.

And seeing my cousin and her husband is always a joy. 🥰

Having had a pretty heavy week and weekend it was time to get my trainers on and get back out for a walk.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing. It was perfect for walking off a big weekend. Better still ~ I could try and Shake It Off!! 🤩😂

See what I did there? Hahahah

I don’t have a natural instinct to exercise, but I do force myself.

Dress from Hollister, Shoes from Hermes.

It was back to loose dresses in an attempt to get rid of the pain of being backed up.

Exercise and plenty of water help with this issue.

Getting enough water in to help, but not so much it that doesn’t upset my bladder is a ridiculously fine balance. One that I very rarely accomplish.

I’m having a very quiet week this week. Because next week I won’t be. And I need a run up to this stuff now. I’m soooo old.


The other thing I’ve treated myself to recently is this new Lego set. It’s the first Lego set I’ve ever bought for myself.

I live with a Lego obsessed husband, and have two Lego obsessed sons.

I have always had zero interest in Lego sets personally.

But I saw this one highlighted on a stoma website’s instagram the other day and I absolutely loved it and knew I had to have it!

Meet Sara!

She is utterly fabulous!!

Representation matters!! Even to me at 51.

But imagine what seeing someone who looks like you will mean to younger children.

The set arrived today, and I was so excited I got stuck in trying to find Sara in all the bags.

I ripped through them with gay abandon. Like the chaos bringer that I am. All the packets are now mixed up.

I have no clue or interest in how to make the set, I literally only bought it for Sara.

…my dedicated Lego builder man is currently trying to put it together for me. Send prayers. Hahaha

I probably should have thought about not ripping all the bags open like a fox going down the bins. 🤣

Much love, keep well. See you soon. Xx