It's been a busy week here. Since my anxiety attack on holiday I decided to embark on a 'getting myself back on track plan' (a very catchy title I think you'll agree) I've had some very nice and very relaxing Reflexology and I've hired a yoga instructor to come to my house to teach me.
Sounds very fancy but bare with me. Although I'm pretty tough and resilient, and I'm perfectly at peace with having a stoma, there is one area I still find it terribly distressing. And that is when it makes noise, there's no nice way to put it and if you have a stoma then you'll know what I'm talking about. It farts, uncontrollably and usually without any prior warning.
You would never have heard me pass wind pre op (that's not to say I didn't, I just wouldn't have been near anyone thats all.) So the fact that it goes as and when it pleases causes me a certain amount of distress. It's ridiculous I know. There are some aspects that you'd think are far worse that just passing wind. For example, I changed my bag the other day (I use drainable ileostomy bags even though I have a colostomy) and I either hadn't fastened the end or it had come undone and I hadn't noticed. I was pottering round the house doing chores when I noticed a familiar smell, only to discover that the bottom of the bag was undone and waste (wont for a better word) was escaping from it. I had to retrace my steps to make sure I hadn't left a trail of destruction behind me. hahahahahahahaha. That incident didn't bother me at all, it tickled my fancy in fact, although I suppose that was because it was in my own home, not out and about.
I tried yoga in a group class a couple of years ago and all I could think about and focus on was the fear of it letting rip in front of everyone. Now yoga is a funny hobby because passing wind is very common in some of the poses and that's all well and good but I'm talking about just laying on the mat during the meditating bit at the start and the end. So my hiring someone to come to my home and just work with me is for me to be able to learn and relax without rather defeated the object of the exercise before when I went to the group class, I was getting more and more anxious as the class went on.
I've had two home Yoga's now and really enjoying it. I am able to relax and focus on the moves rather than fearing the worst. Rosie my instructor says she thinks I'm very supple, my hamstring, core and other assorted muscle groups beg to differ though! hahahahaha. If I hadn't have found a reasonably priced instructor to come to my home I was going to research the best yoga DVD's to use.
It's been really good for me. once I get more practice I will be downward facing dog and planking all over the place.
Yoga pants are a no no for me so I just wore some loose fitting track suit bottoms.
The weekend was as busy as ever. Saturday we went to my cousin's for lunch, which was lovely, then dashed home, walked the dog and went to our friends in Suffolk for dinner and Eurovision. I wore loose fitting clothes to be able to fit in all the food and cake, lots and lots of cake.
Then Sunday was our friend James's birthday. We went to a local restaurant to celebrate. I made a bold choice with my white jeans to eat in. I'm very lucky as I am the proud owner of a colostomy, which makes my life that little bit easier than those with an ileostomy, please don't think for one minute that I don't appreciate that I have a much easier time than some, I am very lucky and very very grateful.
Top from French Connection, Jean's from Topshop, Shoes Rockstuds from Valentino and bag from Chanel.
This is such a cute little top, It's floaty nature is very distracting and draws focus from my bag.
An afternoon eating Sunday roast and laughing till you cry is extremely good for the soul, once again I know we're very lucky because we get to spend a lot of time laughing with friends.
On that note my friend Kim and I met for lunch last week with another friend Emma. After lunch Emma went back to work and Kim and I perused the shops. We found these little treasures! Kim is 8 months pregnant with twins and as you can see we both rocked these dresses! Apparently they are the must have dress of the season...I can't quite see it myself but to each their own.
Very reminiscent of something Margot from The Good Life would wear, hahahahahahahahaha..
As you can tell Kim and I wore it far better than the model. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha...
Shopping for dresses and clothes in general to suit your stoma can be a bit frustrating and a bit of a chore, But it's so important to have fun and laugh. It does rather take the sting out of the tail of not being able to wear every trend or fashion going.
Monday this week was my birthday, I got lots of amazing presents (I was exceptionally spoilt) and cards, I was beyond touched though with all my birthday messages on Facebook, from literally all over the world, many of whom I've 'met' because of Gladrags and Bags... from Australia to Canada from the Philippines to France, so many from the US and of course the UK. It was so humbling and really touching. I am so thankful and so blessed. I'm probably one of a very small number of people that are excited and happy to be another year older - here's to another 44 years...and another 44 after that...Maths never was my strong point! ;)