Live it well…

Life is pretty tough at the moment. I think it’s fairly safe to say that’s how everyone feels right now.

We’re just plodding along, living life, as fun as we can for as long as we can.

You know that saying “don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain”? Well, it’s a bit mushy and clichéd but they’re actually very true words to live by.

I was out browsing a garden centre the other day (they’re very therapeutic), and I happened upon the toys section (probably the best place to be for me seeing as I am a destroyer of plants).

I saw some great garden toys. One of which was a school sports day set, complete with egg and spoon and sacks.

Friday I was at a bit of a loose end so I invited Kim and the girls over for sports day, as we live in a converted Victorian school it was very apt.

The bit that isn’t apt is that I ferociously hated sports day as a child, and as a parent of children.

God, I hated it. I have never been the athletic type.

But as it’s my garden, I felt no lasting harm could come from it.

We had a blast. I enjoyed it very much. And yes I came last still, nothing’s changed in the last 40 odd years, but there is something rather delicious about losing to five year olds.

I used real eggs for the egg and spoon race. Kim asked if we needed to hard boil them first but I felt there was more fun to be had if we didn’t.

The eggs didn’t smash just by falling off the spoon so I let the girls throw them against the rocks in the garden. What is childhood for if you can’t have a bit of anarchy every now and then. :)

(They were out of date eggs, I’d thrown them in the bin).

Friday night we did something I almost never do.

We went to the cinema!!

…Oh, sorry, were you hoping for something a little more impressive? Bungee or base jumping?

Ah, sorry guys, but going to the cinema is my bungee jump!

You’re about as likely to find me doing either to be honest.

I hate cinemas, I hate theatre.

I hate sitting with other people in the dark basically.

I don’t think I’ve ever been to the cinema without someone in there doing something annoying or weird. And Friday didn’t disappoint in this way.

Why did I go? Well, Chris loves the cinema and quite simply I love him.

We had a little Nando’s beforehand and headed in.

Chris bought so much pick & mix that he could have put a down payment on a house.

I would never touch communal sweets that have probably been touched by a million germy fingers (Oh yes, my loathing starts before you even get to the screens).

We go in, we sit down, the film starts…so far so good.

In fact, there were only 9 other people in there so I had high hopes that nothing was going to happen this time…

……ffs, I spoke too soon.

A set of grandparents and small grandchild sat a few rows in front of us. The grandma took the wriggly child outside, at which point grandpa decides to stand up, hands on hips to watch the film for a bit, then followed grandma out. Completely spatially unaware of his actions.

…then about three quarters of the way through the film four people came in. We’re about fifteen minutes from the end at this point.

They walked up the stairs towards us, all the while I was thinking please stop, please stop, but they didn’t.

They came up to our row and made us move to the side to let them into THEIR seats!!

The cinema had about 11 people in it, and literally no one else on our side of the cinema, and they wanted their specific seats.

I looked at Chris and we both got up and moved to the back of the cinema, at which point one of the fab four quipped “oooh, was it something we said!?”

(Errr, no you ******* weirdos!! It was something you did!!)

Anyway, they sat down, got themselves comfy, looked at the screen, looked at each other…realised they were in the wrong film and got up and left!!

EVERY SINGLE TIME someone or someones do something weird.

We came out of our screening, Chris enjoyed the movie. I walked straight across the hall and opened the door, assuming it was the exit…but I’d actually walked straight into another screening!! Hahahahah

So as it turns out the someone who does something weird is me!! :)

Anyway, it hasn’t changed my view on cinemas. But we did see an advert saying you can hire a cinema for £180 and to be honest I think it would be money well spent. I’d definitely be happy to pay that to avoid others!

Saturday we decided to head to Anglesey Abbey again for a picnic. We invited Olya and Danil but the timings didn’t fit with his routine, so Chris and I headed off for a day relaxing and eating in the grounds of the Abbey.

It was on the drive down there that we saw a sign for a polo match, spectators welcome.

Although Chris and I weren’t brought up in the polo world we’ve actually really enjoyed the times we’ve been.

So we decided to be a bit spontaneous and follow the signs, we had a picnic all packed anyway, so where we ate it made no difference.

I’m so glad we went. It was so good.

A glorious day, glorious food, and the closest thing to Roman gladiators you’ll get in this age.

It was £15 a car, no matter how many people in it. And there was a free cup of tea and a slice of cake on offer too.

The lady who organised this particular day came round to welcome us and asked if we knew the rules, and explained them to us, kindly, without a hint of snobbery.

I asked how many horses a polo player needs to play, and she responded that her husband has four…that she knows of! :)

I think for outsiders like us, going to polo can be intimidating, but they couldn’t have been nicer people.

One rider came and introduced her horse to us, and welcomed us along.

Some dogs took a shine to us and sat with us on our blanket. It was a really blissful day.

Polo can be brutal. But it’s also beautiful.

For me a day out in the sunshine, with the car near by is fantastic.

I literally have no thoughts of “how am I going to change my bag?”

On other days out, it comes into my mind a lot.

Intrusive thoughts come in and chip away at my confidence.

I can be having a lovely time, with lovely people and then panic about what if my bag leaks now, what will I do? Will people stare and laugh? Will poo pour down my legs and shame me?

Round and round those thoughts roll through my brain.

If I’m standing talking to you there’s a fair chance I’m running scenarios through my head about a colostomy catastrophe.

So, a day in a field by my car, should I need to change my bag, oh heaven, oh the peace of mind.

We had such a lovely day. Then back home to chill out in the garden, because England is having the summer of its life right now.

Top and Shorts from Tesco, Shoes from Hermes, Bag from Chloe

Sunday we headed to London. Specifically Portobello Road Market. I’d not been before, but our daughter in law, Milly, had been invited to sell her wares on a stall for young craft makers.

She sells the most wonderful eco products. We absolutely love them because we’re quite un eco friendly in a lot of ways, so we try and make up for it where we can.

Having seen Sam and Milly, and bought some more cloths, we left them to their trading and headed further into London.

We made our way to Harrods. While we were there Chris asked if I’d like to go try some bits on with my big birthday next year in mind. And obviously I said yes, because A, if someone’s offering me shiny things I’mma gonna say yes!!!

And B, see point A.

So we did!! And what a joy it was.

While we were there I tried on a little necklace too that’s I’ve had my eye on for years. And he just bought it for me, just like that, because as he said “it’s a Sunday so why not”.

And here is the cement that holds this union together, surprise shiny things. :)

I’m an absolute shiny things whore, and proud of it. Hahaha

Maybe I was a magpie in a former life, who knows. Whatever I was, I had a very happy Sunday now. I was blown away actually. I like him, I might keep him.

We then headed to the restaurants near the food hall. They do the best chicken cacciatora I’ve ever had. It’s so so good.

Heart full, belly full. It was a wonderful day.

Dress from Michael Kors, Shoes from Gina, Bag from Jimmy Choo

We then headed over to Fortnum and Mason for ice cream. We have our badges from a previous trip there, which entitles us to free toppings on a sundae.

If you know me you’ll know I’m the tightest most extravagant person around. I shop in Harrods to collect the clubcard points (much like Tesco clubcard points, the more you spend the bigger the rewards).

*The prices for things are often the same in Harrods as anywhere else, so we’ll buy it there and get the reward points.

And then F&M for my free ice cream toppings. I like nice stuff but I like free stuff more. :)

It was a lovely day.

Monday was such a great day, I felt so privileged to take our guests Olya and Danil to the seaside…for Danil’s first ever trip to the beach!

It was such a joy watching him play on the sand and in the sea, knowing I was part of something special for him (okay, so he won’t remember his first trip to the seaside at all, but I will forever).

Plus Olya was able to have a swim in the sea for the first time in years.

While there I was approached by a lady who had also survived bowel cancer and a stoma reversal, who said she thought I was very brave for not being bothered by my bag (she hated hers and was glad of her reversal).

I said that I was very happy for her, of course I am, but also I’m very happy for me too, because although mine is permanent, I really like it (actually, I prefer it to the old fashioned way).

Then after that a man came up and said he felt terribly awkward coming over but he thanked me for being so bold with my stoma (his mum has one at the moment and she’s not coping too well), he was going to go home and tell her about me.

Okay, so I’m not out there wearing a bikini to raise awareness, I’m out there wearing a bikini because I bloody well want to, and I like a more all over tan, but if at the same time as tanning, I can emboldened the fearful and bring awareness to stoma life then yay, 2 birds, one stone.

It was a very good day.

Oh, and whilst we were on the beach I received a call saying I’d been selected to be one of the brand ambassadors for Ostique, a stoma innovation company, so really, it was an absolute epic day.

Hoping for more good days ahead.

Keep well, stay safe, get symptoms checked out asap. Xx