Well life finally got back to normal for me. And only a mere two weeks after being stung by the bee. Two weeks!!? Two lots of antibiotics, steroids and antihistamine. Plus an emergency visit to a doctor to get it lanced, drained and washed out.
Quite honestly I’m still in shock that my body decided to make such a fuss about a bee sting!!
Avoid avoid avoid. Although, easier said than done in this house, as my bedroom seems to attract them, every bloody day there’re the bodies of bees and wasps in there.
We’ve had a lot of issues with nests over the years. But I can’t track this one down. So wish me luck. Hahahahaha.
Having had to sit life out for a couple of weeks I decided to hit being back to normal hard.
I popped out to see a couple of friends at the beginning of last week. And then on Wednesday I hit a car boot sale. It has become a slight addiction now but there are worse things to be addicted to so I think I’m ok.
Did I ‘need’ anything? Nope!
Did I buy anything? Yes!
I agree it looks like a pile of tut. But I have great plans for this stuff! Great plans indeed. My table scaping shelf is getting packed out with goodies. My mind is swirling with ideas.
I’m always full of ideas. Some are a little out there. But my most recent idea and my greatest triumph was Junemas. I mentioned last week about how Chris and I spent Christmas alone because Johnson and the virus shut us down.
Well, although that wasn’t the worst Christmas we’ve ever had, it was pretty close.
Christmas’s now aren’t like they were when the children were little anymore anyway.
The boys have left home. The house is deathly quiet.
Sam, Milly and Zak don’t tend to visit us until the day after Boxing Day or even the day after that. Ben comes for Christmas morning and then understandably heads off to spend the rest of the day with Kaitlyn.
My mum and dad come over for Christmas Day.
That’s the pattern. That’s the routine we’ve gotten into. Well Christmas 2020 was a bit of a shock to the system.
Ben came and sat in the garden for a hot chocolate Christmas morning for a bit, but none of the other arrangements happened.
It was miserable. Not as bleak as the year Sam was in cancer treatment, that one is the clear winner of the worst ever! But last Christmas was pretty rubbish even so. Of course, not as bad as some people’s Christmas though, let’s face it, we were alone but all safe and well, I count myself and my family very lucky.
So while I sat there in tears, I rearranged our Christmas for the summer. It felt so far away but I needed to do something to keep my spirits up.
If I was still a drinker I imagine I’d have been in a sherry induced coma for the entire time. But thankfully I’m as sober as a judge and able to plan.
Yes, we had to miss out in December but nothing was going to stop me from missing out altogether.
We’re not religious people. We’re good and decent people (I hope), we’re people that believe in doing good things. But we are not affiliated with any religious group or cause.
Therefore Christmas can still be Christmas any time of year!
Whilst I was downhearted in December I worked on my Junemas plan!
I had a picture in my head of what I wanted it to be. To feel like, to look like. Even I couldn’t have dreamt how amazing it actually turned out to be!
December Christmas time I suffer with the most awful anxiety. I have no idea why. I’ve always had it. Even when I was a teenager. I’d panic about everyone getting home safe and sound for Christmas Eve.
There is and always has been this crazy, all consuming feeling of impending doom. That something will arise and scupper us being all together for Christmas itself.
It’s a terrible feeling. I had it dreadfully in the build up to last Christmas, although I guess that one was justified as we were in the midst of a pandemic.
I lost half a stone in the lead up. Not intentionally. Just with stress and crippling anxiety. It’s not the first time that’s happened either.
It’s utterly ridiculous and utterly out of my control as it stands right now.
I stop all contact with the outside world about 10-14 days before Christmas Day. Not just in pandemics, but every year. Basically I invented self isolation and quarantine before any government came up with the idea hahahaha.
I don’t want to risk catching something and ruining Christmas Day itself. So at a time when everyone else wants to be at their most social I’ll be hiding away at home. :)
*I have broken my pre Christmas isolation rule occasionally. We have been out. I spend the lead up to the night out in a state of sheer terror, the day itself is a nightmare of anxiety. I get through the evening itself okish, although feeling sick to my stomach and fearing germs everywhere and not enjoying a single moment. Then for a week after I’m a brain wobbling mess, fretting I’ve (we’ve) picked up a bug.
Got to be honest, I’d simply rather not put myself through it. I’ll see you in January! Hahahahaha
So as you can see I get myself into quite a pickle at Christmas Christmas.
Well enter stage left Junemas!!
You beautiful, fully formed, wonderful day of family and fun.
Junemas is, as it turns out a more relaxed occasion for me. There was no gut wrenching feeling of dread and doom. All there was was excitement and joy.
First of all I decorated the house, what’s Junemas without the decor?
Instant Christmas, just add family…
Chris did mention whilst we put up the Christmas backdrop that the irony of putting up a fireplace scene over a fireplace was not lost on him. :)
But he was glad it saved him from having to go up to the loft, getting down the decorations and setting the Christmas tree up.
This is the backdrop I paid for, and then two months later the company I bought them from sent me 15 other backdrops by accident, but said I could keep them.
This one cost me £26.99, so 15 x 26.99 = no idea, as I have dyscalculia, but quite a lot I imagine. :)
Sam, Milly and Zak arrived on Thursday. We had such a fun time before Junemas itself. You don’t get to spend time in the garden playing, or swimming in the hot tub and having a water fight in the heat and sunshine in December.
So that’s a win right there.
We had a fantastic build up to the big day itself.
We (I, I suppose, as it was all my idea, I decided we’d celebrate on the 26th June as it was a Saturday. So it was technically Boxing Day).
Boxing Day is my favourite day of the season. The food happens to be my favourite food of the year.
I’m not sure what other house holds do for food on Boxing Day but from mine and Chris’s childhoods we had hot mashed potatoes, cold meats and a selection of pickles. We then carried that tradition on when we got together.
Mashed potatoes, cold meats and pickles is my favourite meal. We served it at out marriage vow renewal 10 years ago, which was in July. It’s a surprisingly summery meal really.
So Junemas main food was easy and readily available.
Although I did have to swap the turkey for chicken, but that was no hardship, and I did try and get mince pies from Sainsbury’s to no avail. I asked a shop assistant if they had any. She looked at me as though I was completely mad “no! It’s June!!”
“Yes!” I said, “that’s why I need them!” Hahah
But not to be disappointed. I managed to get a jar of mincemeat and some ready rolled pastry (yes, I am indeed that lazy!) from Tesco and made my own. I also bought summer fruit pies, because, well, because it is summer. ;)
Zak loved being up for a long weekend of fun!
I embarked on my first ever floral table centrepiece. I make wreaths at Christmas. Probably the only time I’m calm in the build up to Christmas is wreath making time.
But I’ve never attempted a centrepiece…
I have now!
I bought oasis!! I’m officially a grown up now!
It was fairly straight forward. And more importantly, it was very pleasant to do. I’m going to add it to my December Christmas routine.
What is Christmas to us? As non organised religion people. Well it’s a time for family, a time for feasting and a time for giving.
For Junemas I decided that I wanted to give. But I didn’t want to receive. I didn’t want anyone to fret over what to buy for whom. So when I invited everyone, I missed off the bit about gifts.
This has got to be one of my best plans to date.
I had the pleasure of buying gifts for people I love. It really is a wonderful feeling. To give, knowing you absolutely won’t receive is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.
Proving once and for all giving is the best part of Christmas to start with.
I set the table “Boxing Day” morning, baked mince pies…oh, and that’s it. That’s as simplistic and easy as it was.
I had roasted the beef, gammon and tur-chicken the day before. I had bought ready made, just reheat mash. And bought frozen peas and Brussels sprouts. Yes!! I told you, I am actually that lazy!!
I wanted everyone to be able to chill out, I didn’t want a designated chef for the day. I find Christmas such an imposition on the person having to cook it all.
I don’t cook on Christmas Day in fairness, Chris has always done it. I do the other 364 days a year and get no praise.
Chris cooks one dinner a year and it’s literally like the second coming of Christ, with all the praise and fuss that gets made of him. Not that I’m bitter about this you understand Hahahahaha.
So Junemas I made it very simple. No peeling, no chopping, no cooking or slaving over a stove, no mashing for anyone. Just shoving the mash in the oven. Boiling a bit of veg. And a bit of carving of the meat. Heaven, absolute heaven. Time taken out of someone’s day? 10 minutes. That’s it. :)
The table however I made a fuss of. Come on! You expected anything less from me?…
Table cloth and matching napkins from Ralph Lauren Home.
I bought them years ago. But, and I appreciate this is going to sound a bit weird, I’ve never used them for Christmas, because they are too ‘Christmassy’! Hahahahaha. Yes, I heard what I said! But I just find that with all the other stuff you have out over Christmas these become too much!
Too in your face and not my desired effect.
But for Junemas! Well for Junemas they are spot on!!
The little Christmas trees are new. I bought them from Amazon the other day. And the lanterns and tea light holders are from Neptune.
Obviously Junemas needs a special Junemas dress.
I bought this back at Christmas in the online sale in Jigsaw. I thought it would be perfect for a June celebration.
It was long sleeve but my tailor took them up a bit for me. Thank you Chris. xx
I set the table early so I could just relax and enjoy Zak’s company. I’d much rather be playing with him that anything else really.
We were all sitting chatting in the living room waiting for my mum and dad and Ben and Kaitlyn to arrive. We hadn’t noticed that Zak was no where in sight, and not only that he was quiet, very very quiet. If you know kids, you’ll know this is a warning sign. Hahahahaha.
We found him at the table, tucking into mince pies. Hahahahaha hahahahaha he is hilarious. Just too cute.
Once the others arrived. Drinks were served and presents presented. This but came as a bit of a surprise to the others as I hadn’t mentioned it to them.
Junemas is a special time and if you’re very lucky, Nana Junemas will bring you something nice. :)
I really enjoyed buying them. It didn’t have the stresses that Christmas present buying can bring, only to end up with the usual socks, pants and hankies fair.
No, I was able to think of wonderful things to buy. Amazing what you can do when you’re not twisted in a ball of anxiety. :)
That’s my mum and dads Christmas cards sorted…
A preview of our Christmas card for 2021
Very Prom vibe on this one. Hahahahaha
We had such a wonderful time. I especially enjoyed watching people open their presents. I even surprised Chris and bought him a few things, this felt really good, he’s always spoiling me, ridiculously so, I feel very loved and appreciated. I wanted Chris to feel that too. I managed it! He had no idea he was getting anything, and I actually bought him something that he said he really liked ages ago, but hadn’t got round to treating himself.
Not to be left out I bought myself something. And before you go thinking that’s a terribly tragic thing to do. I had already ordered a notebook from Smythsons and it just happened to come gift wrapped, it seemed serendipitous, so I saved it a few days and opened it when everyone else was opening theirs.
We had a fantastic time. I can honestly say I’ve never had a Christmas at Christmas this good. It was everything I hoped for and more. And what’s more, it’s here to stay.
We all agreed it was most enjoyable. And why wait till Christmas for Christmas. You know that Wizard song, ‘I wish it could be Christmas every day’? Well you’re a grown up! It actually can be!! :)
I managed to get hold of chocolate, dates and tangerines, but I wasn’t able to get any nuts in shells, well, apart from monkey nuts. So monkey nuts are now the official nut of Junemas. ;)
No Junemas would be complete without Junemas pudding and cream.
Most children in the UK don’t get to play football in the glorious hot sunshine at December Christmas, with their dad, uncle, grandad and great grandad.
Already Junemas has a special place in my heart for that memory alone.
It was born of a desire to make up for missing out in December. And has now become a firm fixed date in our summer calendar.
So thank you to the UK government for running a shambles of a pandemic. You gave us Junemas out of its ashes. :)
The only downside to having an extra Christmas?
No, not the monetary kind. I mean the eating too many Brussels sprouts, Christmas pudding and mince pies kind.
There’s not much that can be done about an over inflated bag if you use a closed colostomy bag. Which is why I wear drainable ileostomy bags, even though my stoma is a colostomy.
I simply take myself off, undo the bag, empty the air out, close it back up and go back to carry on eating.
I wear ileostomy bags every day. I have done since a few weeks after my operation when I realised that I was trapped with a bulging bag in closed colostomy bag. I much prefer to have the ability to empty the air out.
I can’t empty the contents as I have a colostomy, the output is much thicker than ileostomys, but that’s ok. It’s only air that really bothers me anyway.
All in all. Junemas was a roaring success. And will definitely celebrated by us next year.
Everyone had gone home, so Sunday morning, Chris and I decided to go to a boot sale. I knowwwww! :)
The weather was dreadful, so there were considerably less stall holders. But that’s not an indication of what you can find.
I found so many treasures. I think I spent the most I’ve ever spent at one. I think I spent about £25 this time! :o
I couldn’t actually spend any more than that because we ran out of money. Hahahahaha. I had spent some of my boot sale cash on Junemas. And Chris forgot to top up his wallet. We’re still not used to being back out in the world. Hahahahaha.
Luckily I had enough for everything I wanted to buy.
Ran out of cash, ran out of space in my bag for goodies. Had a fantastic time though. :)
We came home and spent the rest of the day relaxing in front of the telly. Having people over is amazing but it is exhausting.
We watched the new Cruella film, it’s a bit pricy for a movie at home but it is a good watch, so worth the £19.99 outlay. And let’s face it, I wouldn’t be going to a cinema for it, as I dislike them immensely.
There a few things worse than the noise of other people rummaging around in their popcorn and sweets. And the sniffing and the coughing. Eeeewwww, no, I much prefer my living room. (Yes, I am aware that I am dead inside and that everyone else loves the cinema experience). :)
We then got ready for friends to come over for a curry night.
I did a scape. I just think it adds to the atmosphere…’oh, right so now she loves atmosphere but won’t go to a cinema because of the atmosphere!’ Hahahahaha
What can I say I’m a very complex soul. :)
We ordered a delicious curry…as if I’d actually cook it!?
We had such a lovely evening. We hadn’t seen Ally and James in ages so it was so nice to catch up. The food was good. The company was better. A perfect way to end the day.
Weekend’s don’t get much better than that. I’m so grateful for every single minute and the memories we created.
Grateful, thankful, blessed.
Happy belated Junemas. xx
Keep well. Much love, see you next week.