Well, I’ve had quite a busy week since we last spoke, or I spoke to you I guess.
I say busy but I need to just clarify that, and put it in context, we are in the middle of a pandemic, busy isn’t exactly up there with the describing words for me in an events such as this.
I spent most of the week bored to tears, yes I’ve got plenty of housework to get on with but I wasn’t in the mood. I’ve got some decorating to be getting on with but I’m wholly unsuited to the job, we’d need to buy a can of paint extra just for all my spillages. ;)
…But I did go shopping at work on Thursday, I met my daughter in law, Kaitlyn and a friend, Ally there.
Three people from the same small town, heading to the same shop in three different cars.
It’s the new normal to do completely nonsensical things.
As I was heading off to work I felt it was worth making the effort and washing my hair, I know the staff well, and I don’t want them to think I’ve completely gone to pot.
The days I’m not doing anything I struggle to be bothered to be honest.
How very quickly I have become a sloven in lockdown. :)
I love this dress, it’s so comfortable to wear. Although I’m feeling perfectly fine, it’s nice to just wear something loose and light.
Comfort is the name of the game.
I had a lovely shopping trip to Neptune, in Colchester, I treated myself to a trifle bowl for when things get back to normal, whenever that may be, but for now can be used as a candle holder.
Yes, I mask. I have said it many times over this pandemic, I’m fully aware that a mask won’t stop me catching anything, but it does reduce the risk of spread.
I’m very much into the idea of doing my bit and not spreading anything to others, I would find it difficult to live with if my germs harmed someone else.
I’ve had a remarkably good run for the last few weeks. My bowels and bladder have been behaving themselves very well (I’m literally touching wood for good luck as I type - lucky I’m a multitasker).
I think sipping water is the key to solving my problems, but it’s still a challenge. I’m not a sipper. I’m a great big gulperer!
I’ve noticed on my daily bike rides, that sipping water beforehand has helped me manage to complete the rides comfortably, without the embarrassment of collapsing in a heap, sweating and with breathing difficulties.
I don’t intend on ever going too far. I’m not wanting to become an endurance cyclist, but I do want to try and attempt to stay healthy, or at the very least not get any unhealthier. Dream big I say! Hahahaha
So far, so good. Little and often is working out well.
I had another Zoom meeting with Bowel & Cancer Research on a COVID-19 project. It’s been very fulfilling to know I’m helping in some small way.
I’ve been taking food to the food bank regularly but other than that I haven’t done much, so being involved in this project for B&CR has really made me feel like I’m doing my bit.
Obviously I showered and washed my hair (so that’s two days last week, yey me! You go girl! hahahahaha). I treat Zoom calls as I would a face to face meeting. I always make the effort.
Weirdly, it’s not an expectation I have in others, I just personally like to.
Right now, through this I think I might as well, seeing as it’s the only time I’m seeing other humans. :)
The meeting went well, loads of progress was made, I enjoy using my plentiful spare time to help others, the researchers get the much needed feedback- everyone’s a winner.
Then Saturday rolls round again like a much needed familiar friend (I’m not for a minute suggesting that I need the break, from what you could well ask! ;) but Chris does and I like spending time with him).
Ben and Kaitlyn came and joined us in the garden for a salt beef bagel brunch, Saturday morning (plain bagel for me as I don’t eat red meat) from the little cafe at Rayne station.
They are really rather good, Josh, the owner drives over to Brick Lane to pick the bagels up. I’m so glad he does.
Would I drive all the way to Brick Lane to pick up 4 bagels, no, probably not, they’re good but not that good. I will however walk the 3 minute walk to the Station cafe to collect them.
We had a lovely visit with them, we discussed shops that we miss, I really miss my regular London trips and my quarterly Bicester trips.
Chris and I were sitting indoors after they had gone and, Chris was busy puzzling and I was busy aggravating him while he puzzled. Team work makes the dream work and all that. ;)
Anyway, I mentioned that I really would like some more Helfeti hand wash from Penhaligon’s, which my last bottle had run out about five weeks ago. Chris said well why don’t we drive down to Bicester tomorrow morning.
I then countered that offer with, well why don’t we go now, it’s open till late and it saves getting up early.
So we did. Look at us, all brave, venturing out into the outside world!
We had seen the newspaper articles slamming Bicester Villages social distancing and over crowding, in the beginning of the week, but as the two shops I wanted were on the outside of the complex, rather than down the middle were all the crushes were I felt fairly confident that we would be ok.
I literally don’t have the money for the shops I’d usually go to, (thanks corona) so there was no point in A, torturing myself with bargains I couldn’t afford or B, risking getting close enough to anyone else who may well be carrying the lurgy.
Why is going to Bicester village note worthy, well, firstly its 2 hours drive from where we live, and secondly we haven’t been anywhere for 3 months.
We stocked the car up with drinks and snacks (the drinks for the way home, there was no way we wanted to use public toilets), and headed off.
We made good time, the roads were fairly free flowing.
We arrived to find a parking space just outside the entrance, miracles can happen. Hahaha
We then found a very well organised queue to get into the whole complex. We waited in that queue for about 10 minutes. We then went into a pop up marquee where they take your temperature with an industrial sized body scanning thermometer. It was actually very impressive and appreciated.
It’s not infallible but I appreciate the attempt to keep customers safe.
We headed in to Emma Bridgwater for a few bits and Penhaligon’s for my beloved hand and body wash.
I said to Chris, I’m feeling quite bold shall we take a look at the main thoroughfare? As I said it we turned a corner and were immediately faced with people darting all over the place.
Without a word I turned on my heels and headed briskly to the exit, almost running at this point.
A 4 hour round journey for 12 minutes in the shops is the furthest, shortest shopping trip I’ve ever had, but also one of the most satisfying. I’ve missed my Helfeti hand and body wash so much. I’m now stocked up for a while…and even though I didn’t technically need any new mugs from Emma B, it seemed rude not to as the shop is just next door to Penhaligon’s.
The weather was fine in Braintree when we left home, the weather was not particularly fine once we got to Bicester village.
We had packed snacks but not raincoats! Hahaha
The handy thing is with a thin summer dress, they dry out quite quickly. ;)
We headed home after our marathon 12 minute but 4 hour shopping trip and jumped straight in the hot tub.
I’ve never really been a fan of hot tubs before but a bath of chlorine in a pandemic? Heaven, absolute heaven. :)
Chris and I were laughing that I have been pretty much training for a global pandemic for all of my 47 years on the planet.
I have germ phobia and I’m very paranoid about people coming near me with bugs. The amount of times I’ve been at a function and the person I’m merrily chatting away to nonchalantly happens to mention “oh my god, I’ve been sooo ill”
I turn into a private investigator, pumping them for information of where, what, when was this bout of ill health?!?…once all those checks are completed I will slip away and avoid them at all costs for the rest of the evening.
The protocols being put in place are exactly what I’ve dreamed of for decades.
Social distancing - yes please!
Mass hand washing- yep!
Temperature checks - yes yes yes!
I’ve been dousing my family in anti bac for years!
I’ve been taking vitamin D for about a year now, as I was slightly low on it at my last blood test.
I suggested to Chris that he start taking it too at the beginning of this outbreak.
The science is suggesting that people with Vitamin D deficiency are having problems with corona.
Not that there’s any concrete evidence yet when it comes to what can help, but boosting your vitamin D certainly can’t hurt.
Sunday was Father’s Day and although Chris is obviously not my father he is the father of my children, for which I am very grateful and felt he should be celebrated.
I ordered two hampers for him, one from a young man who has started a gift box service locally, he’s a smashing lad so I wanted to support his business venture.
It’s the first time I’ve actually been able to buy Chris a very nice hamper that is alcohol free. It came with alcohol free beer and lots of yummy nibbles.
Plus I ordered a mini hamper from Fortnum & Mason, because I saw personalised port pies on an ad on Instagram and loved the idea, so I ordered a box to go to my dad and a box for Chris.
I’m a sucker for a novelty pie! Hahaha
I don’t eat meat but Chris let me have a bit of the pastry. I’ve always been a dustbin when it comes to pastry.
It works out beautifully if you can find someone that likes the filling but not the crust! :)
It was delicious pastry, and both Chris and my dad raved over the meaty part.
Then in the afternoon Ben came round to cook Chris …and I a BBQ.
Social distanced dining is my new favourite thing. I might keep it after the pandemic burns out.
Indeed, why would I want to risk the transfer of germs when I can seat you six feet away in the garden. Hahahahaha
We had such a lovely afternoon. After Ben left, Chris carried on with his puzzle - uninterrupted by me (I felt generous, it was Father’s Day after all), and I read my book I ordered about a boy brought up in a cult.
No idea why people join cults but I’m fascinated by them, and the people who do. I’m terrible at following or obeying orders and any money I have I want to keep all to my greedy little self, so I’d be kicked out straight away.
On a side note I’d like to thank my dentist at Braintree Dental Studio.
My mum has somehow managed to lose 3 huge fillings during lockdown…nope, no idea how she managed it, it’s not like she’s sat eating toffees for 12 weeks, she hardly eats anything really.
Anyway, her dentist practice has been pretty poor updating their clients on all the COVID protocols and precautions. They basically just shut up shop and put the answerphone on.
My dentist has been keeping their customers updated constantly, they couldn’t see clients but they put out helpful hints of how to self treat minor issues etc.
Anyway, my mum can’t get an appointment for love nor money at her practice, so my lovely dentist has taken her on as a temporary private patient to get her 3 fillings put back in.
I’m so grateful to them for that, OK, so private fillings are going to cost her an arm and a leg but getting it done as soon as possible is the main thing at this point.
I’m counting myself lucky that my teeth at least behaved during lockdown even if my innards didn’t.