Saying I’ve had a busy week last week seems a slight exaggeration, but I was most definitely occupied a lot more than usual.
Lockdown 2, or lockdown light really, was going to have its challenges. None of which are in place to punish us, none of which are personal.
We’re just trying to get the infection rate lower. Which in turn, means there’re beds in ICU available when needed. I’m ok with doing my bit, staying home, staying out of trouble.
I read a terrifying article yesterday that said in Switzerland the government or health service, I’m not sure which, has considered asking the over 60’s and people with heart conditions to sign a Do Not Resuscitate order to free up beds. Holy moly that’s horrifying.
There are also places in the world that have run out of ICU beds.
So yes, I’m happy to be inconvenienced by staying home. It’s not like I’m being asked to send my sons off to a blood bath of a war...I’m just being asked to stay home, and watch telly.
I think I can manage.
But this week I had a slight reprieve from daytime TV.
First off we had new carpets put down. Not the most exciting thing to ever happen but the carpet we had down on the stairs was well past its use by date, It was terribly tired and shabby, and we had wooden floors in the living room, but they were shocking and gave so many people splinters.
While Pepper was still alive there seemed little point in replacing it, seeing as if you upset her she would poo in the living room in retaliation. Hahahahaha
I suppose there have to be some upsides to losing your beloved companion and new carpets is definitely high on the list.
We are now super cosy…but it’s certainly not restful, as I’m scared to walk on it or make a mess. ;)
I couldn’t be happier, even though I’m scared to drop anything on it. I think it looks beautiful.
So that was one job out the way. The rest of my week was a mixed bag.
There was finally a break in the weather, so I got out and cut the grass. Although probably a bit late in the season. Proof were in needed, the mower has left deep tire tracks where the ground was so soft…but at least the grass is neat and it got me out in the sunshine.
Little speed demon… :)
Grass cut, bike rides and walks done. All excellent ways to fill my days that would usually be filled by shopping for things I don’t need. I really think there are some upsides to the shops not being open. My own personal rampant consumerism is much lower. ;)
I also had two Zoom meetings with the charity I volunteer for. I love the fact that I’m able to give back. It sounds so cliched but it’s a very real feeling.
I survived, others didn’t, I need to give it meaning and purpose.
Volunteering is a fantastic way to do that. I also find it lifts mood and low feelings.
I volunteer for BRUK, Bowel Research UK. I am part of PPI groups (Public & Patient Involvement).
Our focus groups do many and various things, but our main reason for existence is to give feedback to research scientists and inventors.
The scientists know the scientific stuff, but patients know the lived experience. BRUK bring together the two groups.
It therefore creates better understanding from both perspectives. Interesting for us, and a vital research resource for them.
I really love being able to bring my experience to people working so hard to make a difference in people’s lives.
Anyway, in the olden days - pre March, we would meet in London. But now it’s all on Zoom.
For me that doesn’t change how I approach attending. And by that I mean, if I dolled myself up for meetings in London, the fact I’m now attending them in my own kitchen doesn’t change anything. :)
So the first meeting of the week I got dressed up. Firstly it gives me something to do, secondly it makes things feel a little more normal and thirdly I’ve got clothes and shoes that need to be worn.
Dress from H&M, Shoes from Chanel
Is there any point as all the other attendees can only see my head? No, not really, but it wasn’t for their benefit.
It does make me chuckle that I even go to the bother of wearing shoes…to a head only zoom call. Hahahahaha.
We had a great meeting. Hopefully the research & development team got what they needed from our input. I enjoyed meeting new people, as well as seeing familiar faces. Everyone’s a winner. :)
Plus, it helps the week, the days, the minutes pass that little more quickly.
I had a second meeting later on in the week with BRUK. Which was fantastic and helped the week itself go really very speedily, which was greatly appreciated.
Top from Ralph Lauren, Trousers from Quiz, Shoes from Jimmy Choo.
So I was dressed at least two days last week, which is pretty good going. Hahahahaha.
I mentioned previously that I have decided against baking during this little lockdown, I’m still trying to get rid of the gains from the last one.
So I’ve turned to savouries. I made a fantastic vegan friendly Shepherd’s pie. Although I can’t call it that can I? I made a fantastic ‘Lentil keepers pie’. ;)
Very easy, very simple.
Swap the mince for two sorts of lentils
Swap oxo for vegetable stock
Add all the normal other ingredients. Add marmite for a meatier flavour.
Utterly delicious, and hearty. Serve with vegetables of choice and Bisto, even the red one is veggie friendly.
Swapping lentils for any mince dish works a treat. Spaghetti Bolognese, Chilli Non Carne. Add Marmite and hey presto meaty tasting dishes without meat.
I’m not a vegan, I’m not even a vegetarian, as I eat fish and chicken. But that’s it. That’s my limit.
I do like us to have one or two meat free meals a week though. Just for balance.
The weekend came and I was very excited to get started early on Christmas. Kaitlyn said she wanted to make a wreath again this year…now she has a front door to put it on.
We can’t meet people indoors at the moment and with my new carpet I’m pretty glad about that. Hahahahaha
So we (I) decided the garden was a great place to make them as you are right there in the thick of all the greenery to add to a Christmas wreath.
First wreaths made, and germs highly unlikely to have been passed about. Which is the benefit of the great outdoors, no matter how much Kaitlyn moaned about the cold. Hahahahaha
Chris was working hard on filling the skip we hired, I did attempt to help but after a particularly heavy bucket load and an intense pain in my hernia I called time on that game and came in for more Christmas fun.
(I finally seem to be getting on top of my constipation. I’ve added in Kefir. Increasing good gut bacteria can never be a bad thing. Drink plenty of fluids. The thing with bowels is, they’re all so different. What suits me won’t necessarily suit you.
For example oats clog me up but I have a friend who uses them for the exact opposite reason. It’s all trial and error).
Is it too early to put up your decorations? For some maybe, but not for me! :)
It’s exactly what this year needs. A touch of magic and sparkle. :)
Let the festive creations begin…
My skills lie in decor rather than helping with skip filling.
I made a little grotto for Zak…and Santa to work in…
My tree is just the way I like it…but with the addition of ginger bread hearts…it smells and tastes as good as it looks. :)
Hearts from IKEA.
My mum gave this to me last Christmas. It is without a doubt one of my most treasured possessions.
She had been gifted it by her priest for helping tidy up and re-organise a large, unruly, cupboard at the church. She was at the time deeply religious and this must have been a wonderful gift.
I’m far less religious, clearly, seeing as I have coveted it ever since I first saw it.
I was so overwhelmed to have been given it. It is spectacular close up.
Fortnum & Mason came up trumps with these little dogs. I have had both. A Mini Schnauzer and a little black Scotty dog.
In fact this is the first year in 16 years we have no dogs in the house.
I must admit, it’s taking some getting used to. But I’m not ready to love again. One day maybe, but definitely not at the moment.
I’ve added decorations from all over the world from trips and travels. But I thought this was a rather fitting addition…he came by post. :)
There’s more Christmas fun to be had. Kim is coming for outdoor wreathing next week. Luckily for her I’ve remembered to mentioned it being outdoors, so she can wrap up warmly.
I’m not gifted in the area of crafting. Making things has never come easy, actually, not at all.
I’m very cack handed. But I love making wreaths. I was taught by an amazing lady called Jo. I will be forever grateful to her for finally unlocking a gift.
Something I can make by myself now, I absolutely love it.
Stay well. Keep safe.
Suzanne x
Just a quickly while you’re here.
The wonderful Sarah Russell of The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit fame has developed a fantastic Pilates class for people just like me.
Specially designed for people with stomas, but personally I think it would be great for anyone that’s had abdominal surgery of any kind.
Find more information on Facebook at The Ostomy Studio.
Classes and exercise tailored to suit people like me. Thank goodness for Sarah! xx