I’ve spent a fair amount of time recently in soft leggings. Do leggings look great? No, not particularly but for me they are almost medicinal.
I’m prone to gut ache and constipation caused by poo backing up in me if I wear skinny jeans, this happens more so at the moment due to having gained weight and therefore even less room to poo in already tight fitting clothes. So as much as I’m not the biggest fan of leggings visually I’m a huge fan of them for the physical benefits.
They give me peace of mind as much as comfort. Leggings are far less likely to cause pancaking than jeans.
I do however always wear a long top with leggings, I’m not 19 any more and my years of wearing leggings and cropped tops has definitely passed.
I got myself all dolled up for a big day out…well, a trip to the doctors for a flu jab but I like to look nice if I’m going out (more on that later).
I’m a huge fan of flu jabs since I had flu about 21 years ago. I never ever want to go through that again so I’ve always made sure I get my shot. Some people aren’t keen, for many and various reasons but I can assure you, if you’ve ever had real flu you’d understand my enthusiasm. And remember you can’t get flu from a flu jab. You may well get an immune response as your body learns to recognise and fight flu, but you can’t get flu from the jab itself. It does take 2-3 weeks to kick in so it’s entirely possible to pick up flu in the mean time.
This year it seemed doubly important to get it done as it reduces risk of getting sick at a time we’re trying to avoid getting sick.
Top from TK Maxx, Leggings from Michael Kors, Shoes from Chanel, Jacket from Ralph Lauren.
I spent Thursday feeling a bit grotty, with a slight sore arm, nothing major, just generally not quite feeling myself. So I’d say this year’s flu jab is not too bad at all. I’ve felt far worse after them before now, so I’ll count this one as a win.
I decided on decorating the outside of the house for Halloween, mainly because I couldn’t be bothered to do anything too taxing. I grew all the pumpkins myself so it wasn’t like I had too far to go and get them.
I had a lovely time making it look beautiful and autumnal. Total waste of time of course as no one has ever come Trick or Treating here, but at least it looks nice for the Amazon delivery drivers! Hahah
Friday I was having a well deserved slobbing day. I was looking a right treat with unwashed hair, no make up and housework clothes on.
I was busy cleaning the house and getting packed up for our holiday to Scotland, it seemed pointless getting fully dressed.
Anyway I got a message from a friend at work to say the new Stanton teak bowls in the large size were in…these bowls sell out in minutes so I didn’t have a moment to lose. Off I go to Neptune in Colchester, only to realise half way there that I look like a bag lady, a hobo, a transient if you will.
This was evident when it was mentioned that I wasn’t looking my usual glamorous self. hahahahaha. I’m going to let you into a secret, 95% of the time I look like a homeless person…but I don’t take photos for my blog on those days funnily enough. Hahahahaha
I absolutely love these bowls, they are all individual so choosing for yourself is a must.
Then Saturday came and it was time for our big adventure. We had planned two holidays specifically for our beautiful Pepper dog, one to Wales last month, and then this one to Scotland. Sadly she passed away before she got to go on either. So it’s with a heavy heart we’ve come away.
That said, Scotland is wondrously spectacular, it’s hard to stay maudlin in such beautiful surroundings.
Top from TK Max, Leggings from Next, Shoes from Todd’s.
The holiday rental we hired last time was a disaster. As soon as we opened the door it smelt like mouldy mops and generally musty. The decor was atrocious. Everything had been repurposed (many times over by the looks of it) The carpet had obviously been taken from somewhere else as it had the cut out holes from its previous homes radiator pipes. The furniture was mismatched and ugly. There were simply no redeeming features. But we’d booked it with taking a dog for a holiday and also to visit Portmerion. So we made the best of a bad situation, mainly by staying out of that nasty cabin.
So as you can imagine, once bitten twice shy I wasn’t going to take any chances with this cottage. And the best way I could think of to make it feel like home - was to take half my home with me! Hahahahaha
I took my own bedding and duvet, a throw for the bed, medicine, cleaning products, food - lots of it! I took Neptune scented candles, spoons, bowls, mugs, you name it, I took it with me.
The way I see it, my house is beautiful, and just the way I like it so why not take it with me.
I made it feel like home.
As it turns out, this little cottage, although isn’t decorated the way I would do it, it’s perfectly fine. And smells fine, well it does now, it didn’t smell of anything when we turned up (which is an absolute bonus) but now smells of Neptune Verveine, which is delicious!
I unpacked immediately, spruced it up with my belongings and lit the candle and I think it’s safe to say it felt as near perfect as possible.
The views are outstanding.
We’re surrounded by farm land, I’m watching sheep just outside the window as I type this.
We made good time on the drive up, 6 and a half hours, including a stop at a Greggs in a service station along the way.
Once I’d unpacked and made the place feel like home we realised that there was plenty enough time for a nice walk.
We headed to Loch Lomond for a lovely relaxing, evening stroll.
We’d got about 20 minutes into our walk when we saw a little, bespectacled, blonde boy approaching from the other direction on the path, keen to avoid contact with people we hopped off of the path and down on to the beach. We were admiring the views over the loch, when I caught sight of something out the corner of my eye, we turned round to see the said blonde boy staring at us.
I look at Chris, he looked at me, we both then looked back at the alone little boy.
I said ‘hello, are you ok?’
He replied “errrm, do you know any hotels around here?”
I was somewhat confused so I asked ‘what do you need a hotel for?’
He then says “well I’m lost, and I think my dad and his friend must have gone back to the hotel”
Chris and I looked at each other in panic (I’d like to point out that little blonde boy, who we now know is called Ben) was not panicked at all, cool as a cucumber.
At one point he said if you search for hotels on your phone I can show you which one ours is. :o
Chris said he’d head back towards the village quickly to see if he could find anyone that was with him, or at least raise the alarm to let the parents know he was safe.
I said I’d wait to just make sure we weren’t walking him further away from his family. After all, I didn’t know if he was the mischievous type who was just teasing us that he was lost.
As it turns out, he was quite right. He was indeed very much all alone, by the side of a massive lake, with only a rocky, craggy pathway to follow.
I got chatting to Ben, he is the smartest kid I’ve ever met…how old is said lost boy? 5!! Just turned five!
He had become separated from his family group when his dad had been taken ill on a hike, and had rushed back to the hotel, in the haste and confusion the dad thought Ben was with the dad’s friend, and the dad’s friend thought Ben was with the dad.
Thankfully Ben is a smart cookie, he came up to us as calm as you like, he must have felt safer asking a couple. which is the smart thing to do.
(It would be very unlikely he’d happen upon weirdos, I know there are horror stories out there, but most child murders are committed by their parents or close family members. So that was unlikely to be a problem).
The fact he was alone by a lake, on a rocky pathway near evening time was my biggest concern.
Once I had made sure that his parents were not in the vicinity, I suggested we start heading towards the village along the rocky path too. I was crapping myself that firstly I was now in charge of a five year old that wasn’t mine, and also I didn’t want him slipping and injuring himself, on said craggy path on my watch.
He said he’d already fallen and cut his hand, but thankfully that was just a tiny wound, and didn’t need seeing to.
He was incredibly articulate, I learned all about his family life, where he comes from, his pets, his likes and dislikes. He was very chatty. and very happy, he must have felt safe and relaxed enough that this would all be sorted out for him. :)
After what felt like a considerable time Chris finally text to say he’d found the dads friend, and some others that had headed back to search for the lost boy. The dad’s friend was in a terrible state by the time Ben and I arrived, deathly pale and sweating profusely…having got back to the hotel to discover Ben missing. Is there any worse feeling than misplacing your child (or your friend’s child)?
He was so thankful and grateful that we had found Ben and kept him safe.
He very kindly invited us to have supper with them, we declined his kind offer and said he looked like he needed a lay down in a dark room, which he agreed he probably did! Hahahahaha.
I was more concerned about the health of Ben’s dad, to be so poorly in your room you haven’t joined the search for your own missing child is some seriously feeling unwell. I really hope he’s ok.
I know Ben will be fine, he had been telling me about what other adventures they had planned for this holiday.
He promised me he’d not get into anymore mischief. But I too have a son called Ben and I’m pretty sure little Ben couldn’t make such a bold promise. Ben’s seem to attract trouble. ;)
There was a reason we drove from Essex to Loch Lomond that day...and it was to find a small boy named Ben and take him back to his family. Thankfully all before dark.
So day one of our relaxing holiday was very relaxing. Hahahahaha
We came home had dinner and enjoyed the pitch black skies and peace and quite.
We were tucking down for bed and ended up with not quite the romantic night I was hoping for.
We were in bed, Chris turned the lights off, it’s pitch black now...and somehow we managed to collide heads at full force. Chris went to kiss me goodnight, while I was in the process of lifting my head to remove an excess pillow.
BANG out of nowhere in the darkness! I do believe he broke my nose and I broke is cheek bone! Well, ok, maybe not broken, but incredibly bloody painful! It’s all fun and games on this relaxing holiday I can assure you. Hahahahaha
We woke up refreshed and ready to start the day, actually this is a lie, I couldn’t sleep because of my throbbing nose. ;)
I brought all of our food with us, so I packed a traditional Scottish breakie!
…Marks and Spencer’s, microwaveable porridge! Hahahahaha
Why did I bring all our own food? Well I want to cause no harm to others, whilst also causing no harm to ourselves.
I have no idea if we have it (the dreaded corona), seeing as some people are symptom-less. So it seems sensible to just avoid people in general for everyone’s benefit.
The Rona rate has gone up and the Scottish government are doing all they can to bring it down.
Pubs and restaurants are no longer able to serve alcohol inside…a ruling has never affected me less in all my life, as the pair of us are teetotal, an alcohol ban is the least problematic issue ever. ;)
Scotland can still be enjoyed without indoors drinking, incredible but true! Hahahahaha
We drove and drove, it’s just so spectacularly beautiful. There is nowhere else in Britain quite like the scenery in Scotland.
We headed to Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the UK.
As you know I discovered the hard way, 1 mile up Snowdon last month that mountain hiking isn’t for me, having cried 1 mile up and retreating back to the cafe as soon as possible.
Well, Ben Nevis was far easier I found!!
Look at me!! On the top of a mountain!
And if I might add, beautifully dressed for the occasion. Who doesn’t wear Yeezys and a Chanel bag to reach the top? Anyone? No? Just me then!? Hahahahaha
I found the ascent far easier this time, maybe it was my improved levels of fitness…or maybe it was the cable car we used to get up there? Who knows, it’s so hard to say! Hahahahaha
As if I’d attempt walking up another mountain, as if!! Why would I walk up when there is a perfectly good gondola ride (£19.50 for unlimited rides).
I don’t get the whole walking upwards thing. It’s missing from my DNA, it’s just a lot of effort and I’m naturally very sloth like. Like I said before, I like romantic walks…to Selfridges…
It was beautiful up there, I’m glad we went up. The hot chocolate was pretty good. Lots of cream, so what’s not to love…oh yes, and the views are good too. ;)
What to wear to hike up mountains? I have absolutely no idea. You’re going to need to find a different blog for that.
What I wore up the mountain however, is my new snuggly jumper from Phase Eight, some leggings from M&S and Yeezys.
It is quite chilly at the top so it’s best to prepare for it.
What will we be doing for the rest of the week?
Sitting looking at the views from the sofa I imagine, and possibly a little walk into the village if we feel energetic enough. :)
Thank God for these sheep. It’s lovely to watch them. I really thought we’d be inundated with wildlife. I thought in a cottage with a 2 acre garden there would be an abundance of it.
Well I can confirm I was wrong, very very wrong.
So far all I’ve seen in the garden is; 1 Wren, 1 robin, 1 magpie, which oddly enough is the exact same 3 types of bird who visit me many times a day at home …I’m beginning to wonder if they stowed away with us and actually are the 3 from my garden because there is nothing else here wildlife wise.
We’ve seen nothing, not a rabbit or squirrel, fox or deer.
I saw all those things on my bike rides round the village I live in. I did expect to see loads here, but it’s the most devoid of wildlife place I’ve ever been to. Hahahahaha…we’ve not even seen any road kill either. It’s so weird.
What we’ve lacked in wildlife Scotland has more than made up for with scenery. xx