Quick update.

Long story short;

My son Sam, who had cancer 10 years ago (nasopharyngeal carcinoma) had a biopsy 2 weeks ago on a lump in his neck.

Sam spoke to the oncologists receptionist this morning.

He explained how desperately worried he is.

She said she can’t give him the results over the phone as she’s not a clinician, but they have NOT been marked as urgent if that offers any reassurance.

If it had been marked urgent for the obvious reason she’d have got him in for an appointment before Christmas.

She’s booked him an appointment for 29th of Jan, which suggests what ever it is it isn’t in need of urgent action.

But we still don’t know what the lump is. The follow up appointment is needed to find out.

I’m sort of reassured as they are not in a rush to re see him, but sort of not too, knowing the state of the NHS as it stands I’m not 100% confident that they act as quickly as they should. Admittedly that might just be fearful paranoia rather than anything else.

So all we can do is have faith in the system and hope for the best, banish any negativity and hope for some weird fatty lumpy cyst type thing. Xx

Sam and his girlfriend Milly and Chris, Ben and I feel slightly better that it’s not something nasty, but also nervous about what it is.

So it’s definitely a positive but the wait continues, just slightly less terrifying now.

Sadly my head has been totally scrambled by the stress of the wait for results. The shadow of the fear of cancer invades your space and inhabits your head.
If you know that feeling only too well you have my upmost sympathy, if you are lucky enough to not know that feeling then thank God, I hope it stays that way for you. xx
I will be back writing soon, but for now I can barely sit for 5 minutes let alone write anything.

I wish you all a very merry, healthy, happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

With all my love, thanks for all the reads over the past year. 2019 has been a blast even if the tail end has had its moments. Xx

Suzanne. xx
