I live in a gorgeous village, I don’t often remember to appreciate how lovely it actually is, but I went for a stroll out with the pram whilst baby sitting my friends twins yesterday and it was absolutely glorious.
The weather is showing off in the U.K. right now and it’s beautiful, yesterday I took time to take in my surroundings. I’m feeling somewhat refreshed.
I turned the grand old age of 45 last Tuesday, I love birthday’s, I love getting older, it’s truly a privilege. I had a wonderful day, I was spoilt rotten by Chris and the boys...no less than I deserve for being their chief cook and bottle washer for another year! Hahahahaha.
I had a fantastic day and we had a fabulous night out at a gorgeous Chinese restaurant in Witham.
Top from Hobbs, Leather look leggings from Next, Bag from Chanel, Shoes from Christian Dior.
I bought this top in the day time on Tuesday, although spoilt by the boys I did take myself out for a little birthday retail therapy.
I was actually looking for a possible something to wear to the party I had arranged with Kim, we combined my birthday, our friend James’s birthday and Kim’s step daughters birthday WITH The Royal Wedding.
Kim and I sent out the invites ages ago...a stroke of party planning genius, together with eccentricity...
We wanted something a little bit special...as you can tell by the font and mock parchment! Hahahahaha
Everything went to plan...well not quite everything, I was laid up with a tummy bug the day after my birthday and lost 2 days of prep time for the party.
Friday saw me running round, sorting the house, cutting the grass, arranging the tables and chairs and collecting the food we ordered...but the silver lining, I lost 4lbs without even having to try! ;)
I tried a couple of dresses on in Hobbs on my birthday shopping trip out, both of which I really liked;
I loved them, I sent the photos to Chris and the response came back “YUK”.
Harsh to say the least! Hahahahaha
I thought the eggy yellow one was lovely but I asked Ben’s friend Leonie to contribute her opinion and she didn’t like them either. So I purchased my top and skipped merrily off home.
I had an outfit for the wedding in mind in any case, so all was not lost.
And then the big day arrived, oh my Lordy organising parties is stressful! :0
from the staging and design...
to dolling myself up...
Hat from Phase Eight, Coat from Trucco, Dress from Lungta De Fancy, Shoes from Chanel.
If you’re going to do something, do it well...
The new Duchess didn’t disappoint with her elegant gown. She is absolutely stunning.
Photos in front of Windsor Castle, it was almost indistinguishable from the real thing hahahahahah
Kim and I with the special couple. I think it’s safe to say everyone had a lovely time...including Meg and Hazza!! Hahahahaha
No party is complete without VIP’s...
They’re all MY VIP’s...
With the fam.
Jasper, Harry and the swans...every royal wedding party needs swans apparently...and that wasn’t even my doing...
Not forgotting cake and candles x3.
The buffet was later followed by afternoon cream tea on the lawn...and a quick change of clothing for me so I could bounce on the bouncy castle - what? You thought I hired it for the children??? Hahahahaha
I’m very blessed with a husband that allows my imagination to run free and friends that with join in with the madness. Our friends are family to us. Water is very often far thicker than blood.
They spoilt me rotten too. It was a very special birthday and I’m very grateful to them.
Did I have fun? I believe I did yes!
Our littlest bridesmaids deserve a mention of how gorgeous they looked.
Top from Finery, Shorts from Ralph Lauren, Joy from jumping.
Sunday morning I breakfasted on Costco carrot cake and bouncing, a fine combination!
Note to self, don’t do that again...bouncing not altogether comfortable with a hernia as it turns out, but as with anything in life you don’t know till you try! Hahahahaha and second note to self, when wearing an open backed top, remember to sun cream exposed area too! ;)
And what to do if you completely over order on the food? Well just picnic till you drop the next day too!
It’s 20 months since I last drank (alcohol that is...I’d be incredibly dehydrated by now if that was a general statement).
What does one serve at a Royal Wedding? Well Champagne for the others, but lemonade just wouldn’t cut it as a celebratory drink...Nosecco is the answer, all the bubbles but none of the regrets, vomiting and self recrimination hahahahaha...
With Seedlip, Nosecco and a crate of Becks Blue, you can be one of the grown ups. ;)
Though I have never professed any desire to be a grown up...and 45 years on it’s still not looking likely. Hahahahaha
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My stoma, though a pest at times has never stopped me from being me. It has never taken my sense of self or sense of humour, and it certainly doesn’t define me. I didn’t think I would ever be so blasé about it before I had it done, I thought it was a vile concept, but that’s life isn’t it? Most things are actually fine in real life, it’s just the thought of them that we can struggle with. Now don’t get me wrong I totally understand and can empathise if people struggle with having one. I get it, I really do. And no one would have a colostomy by choice (although, that said it does have definite upsides, I no longer ever have to experience that wide eyed, cold sweat of desperately needing a poo and there being no loo available).
I’m fortunate enough that I have never been bothered by it.
I love my life, nothing could detract from that, I simply poo in a bag from my abdomen. It’s not a thing, it just is what it is.
It has no pet name, I didn’t have one for my traditional exit and it gets no special treatment, try as it might to get some. It joined my life so it’s pretty much along for the ride where ever that will take me!
And today it’s taking me to Spain. So it’s adios for now - have bag, will travel. xx