I was hit by an incredibly nasty virus the week before last, absolutely god awful, I was a crying, snot filled, sweating, feverish, useless lump for an entire week. And it’s taken a full week to recover too!
I tend to get hit hard by anything that’s going round which is why I’m so paranoid about germs. But all I can do is maintain good hygiene (basically I all but wash in antibac when out and about), have my flu jabs and hope for the best. I am thinking of investing in a face mask like some tourists I see up town, but I think Chris will disown me if I do!
Anyway I’m now fully recovered and no longer the poor sobbing soul I was. Yey!! Let the December fun and games commence!
Monday last week Kim and I went on our annual Christmas wreath making course. It’s such an amazing day. It’s so relaxing and absorbing (seriously, I turned off my phone and just fully submerged myself in the moss and shrubbery).
I was still recovering from the bug at the time, but going to the wreath class really lifted my spirits.
Having a blocked nose is both a blessing and a curse, but I take my wins where I can and the fact that I couldn’t smell anything for a whole week at colostomy bag change time was wonderful, truly! Hahahahaha
The only downside is my sense of smell is vital to my day to day confidence. I need it, in the NEED it sense. I have to be able to check if I smell. Without it it does tend to make me feel a little anxious and nervous.
Is a bag leak likely? No, not usually, but it does and can happen, it last happened a couple of weeks back, although in that particular instance I felt the bag lifting off my skin before I smelt the leak. But I need my sense of smell to feel comfortable in public. I really have to just depend on the kindness and honesty of friends and family to give me the heads up. My nose has resumed its normal duties and my sense of smell has now returned for the most part, so I feel much better about heading out.
I’m not one for making things, I have a great eye for design but I lack artistic ability and I’m incredibly cack handed due to dyspraxia. But wreath making is so enjoyable, it’s just so relaxing and easy, and you can’t really go wrong, although I would say less is more.
It’s not like I’m going to start mass producing them any time soon but it is a really very pleasant treat to make one for my door every year.
And it does make you feel all Christmassy, and there is no greater feeling than to get ready for Christmas, the earlier the better in my book. :)
I made up for the time lost being poorly and got my house decorated.
FYI, I can’t ice skate (see dyspraxia comment for details) so I had to buy these off EBay, the lady I bought them from wrote ‘happy skating’ on the delivery slip, bless her, if only she knew they’d gone into retirement to become a mere prop in my Christmas wonderland mania. Hahahahaha
I did struggle to get my kitchen tree home from the shop as someone had parked too close for me to get the door open and the boot (trunk) is almost non existent in my car, luckily the lid comes off for ease of access, so I was able to finish my house decor.
With the trees done it was time for some more Christmas spirit.
Friday was Chris’s birthday so a bunch of us, 11 of us in the end, headed up to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, in London.
I dolled myself up, after you’ve sat in Pyjamas for a week I feel it’s rather nice to get all gussied.
I must have looked more over dressed than I thought because after I put a photo of me on Instagram I got a text from my youngest son to enquire where I was going?....out with you you silly bugger! Hahahahaha
Dress from Belstaff, Tights from Tesco, Boots from Kurt Geiger.
Ok so a dress might not be the usual attire for a funfair, which is what Winter Wonderland is, but this was my first big night out since my bag leak a few weeks back. I was nervous to be out and about and have another possible leak. Therefore a dress, a loose one at that is the very safest option.
And yes, a Belstaff dress might well be a bit dressy for the occasion but with a coat on no one could see what I was wearing anyway and I felt confident and raring to go.
As ever I set my own dress code, everyone should.
Did I go on this ride you might well ask? No I bloody didn’t! Is the simple answer. Chris, Ben and Kaitlyn did, I don’t really do rides...but look at that photo! Gorgeous right, someone has to stay on the ground to take them! Hahahahaha
I did however go on a virtual reality ride...but I took the mask off for most of it....I’m the worst person to go to theme parks with! Hahahahaha I can tell you 100% that a VR ride with out the mask on is just an old dusty ply wood covered nothingness. Hahahahaha. I really am very dull, but I had to check for drops and loops...not sure what I thought I could have done about it seeing as I was already on the ride by then! Hahahahahah.
I have my uses at theme parks and funfairs, not only do I take the photos I usually get covered in other people’s belongings, Buckeroo style, whilst they go and seek their thrills.
Kaitlyn’s hat and bag holder for the night. Hahahahahah
I am most definitely an little angel! Hahahahaha
Winter Wonderland is fantastic, I would totally recommend it, it’s free to get in so although the rides are astronomically expensive, you could just go and look around and eat sausage and drink mulled wine....why was I there exactly?...seeing as I don’t eat *meat, Or drink alcohol or do rides...
But even I loved it, and the toilets were incredible! I’m really very picky with public loos but these were the best I’ve ever been in. (They say there’s at least one book in everyone, I’m thinking mine would be called “All the toilets I’ve loved before” !! Hahahahaha
Our eldest son moved out last week, another reason for some of the tears during the grotty week. He and his girlfriend moved into their new home down in Portsmouth in readiness for their baby that’s due in February, but he came and stayed with us Friday night as he was at his works Christmas party locally. So we had the great pleasure of his company for breakfast.
We’ve all missed him terribly, even the dog, I know he’s only 3 hours away but it feels sooooooo far. :(
I spoilt him with a cooked brekkie, he should probably have made the most of me spoiling him, come February when my first grandchild is here no one else will get a look in! Hahahahaha.
Sunday morning was spent doing chores, Chris bless him swept our chimney, my goodness is there no end to this man’s talents!! Hahahahaha seriously he can do absolutely anything.
I treated him (with his wages ;) ) to a lovely Sunday lunch out to complete his birthday weekend, well, it’s the thought that counts. Hahahahaha
Now the chimney is cleared we can enjoy cosy nights in. Absolute heaven.
*re not meat eating. I do eat the occasional chicken, but for the most part I’m pescatarian or veggie, and occasionally vegan. I’m a Flexatarian I think you’ll find it’s called these days, but I don’t need a label, I just do what I like (-atarian). But I’m especially veggie at funfairs and street markets.