My weekend as ever was fantastic. It wasn't especially action packed but it was fun filled.
Saturday, Chris, the boys and I went to book a holiday for next year. Probably one of the last years they're going to want to come with us so we're making memories and dreams come true.
We're part way through building a USA road trip. It's going to be amazing and I can't wait!
There will be some tricky issues to deal with with a flight of that length but I will sort that out nearer the time. I'm off to NYC next month so I can have a practice run of bags and long flights then.
Then it was back home to do chores and some prep work before we start a building project this week.
In our house we don't really have 'pink' jobs or 'blue' jobs. We just have jobs. Probably because Chris works long hours and I don't work out of the home, so if something needs doing I'll do it.
It tickled Chris's fancy when he came out to get something from the shed to be faced by me merrily cutting the grass in my day clothes. I've never been one of those people that remember to get dressed in to their 'gardening' or 'painting' or 'cleaning' clothes. I wish I were, I ruin a lot of my stuff with rust, bleach, paint and holes. :)
Anyway I got the grass cut, which was much needed. With a July of continuous rain and occasional sun the garden is getting away from me.
Dress From Micheal Kors, Shoes From Manolo Blahnik, Mower for my birthday last year, C knows how to treat a lady! Hahahahahahah.
I'm more Margot from The Good Life than Barbara when it comes to gardening, but at least I get it done.
As you can see, Saturday was totally rock and roll. But we did manage to fit in a trip to have dinner with Matt, Kim and the twins, who I have been pining for since they've been away for the last 10 days on their holidays.
Then Sunday was lovely. Really lovely. Chris and I went for a lovely drive in the country side in his car. Then stopped for a breakfast at a gorgeous farm cafe. Then back home to get ready for my uncles surprise birthday garden party over at my cousin Emma's house.
She was blessed with glorious weather, a miracle in itself this summer. Uncle Peter was surprised and delighted with the effort Emmy had gone to. The girl done good!!
I chose this dress because it's so comfy and cosy, with enough stretch to eat in.
Yes, it shows all your lumps and bumps (of which I have many but it's the only body I've got so I'm happy with it), it's very clingy but that's a small price to pay for being comfortable.
Dress from Tory Burch, Shoes and bag Valentino Rockstuds.
I arrived at the party with Sam. Chris and Ben were still getting stuff from the car.
A singer friend of Emma's who was warming up to perform her set when I was introduced to her thought my son Sam was my husband. Which thrilled me no end. Really really chuffed, she thought I looked far too young to have a 21 and 19 year old (totally love this woman, thinking of hiring her just to boost my ego every now and then!), Sam however thought the notion was vomit inducing, which I felt was a bit harsh...he could do a lot worse than me! Hahahahahahahah
We had such a lovely relaxing afternoon in the sun, catching up with people we haven't seen for ages, some of them years and years.
The food was outstanding, brought in from Okabasi, a fantastic Turkish restaurant in Woodford Green.
I was very grateful I wore a stretchy dress as I as usual overindulged in the delicious food. Thank god I've still given up drinking, (despite my bowl surgeons recommendation to start again) or I'd have burst for sure!!
All in all a perfect weekend.
Me and my new hubby! ;) Hahahahahahah
Just for cuteness sake look at the twins now! They've grown so much in the 10 days they abandoned me for their holiday to Spain. Hahahahahah
I missed them so much. I'm thinking of flying out to Spain while our building work is done, I may have to insist Kim and the girls come too!!