A weekend of food and friends and more food and more friends. It's amazing how much you can fit into one weekend if you really try.
We headed over to our friends that have just moved to Harwich for breakfast Saturday morning. We were welcomed with a huge buffet of delicious breakfast fayre. It was absolutely fantastic. As ever I wanted to choose sensibly but I couldn't resist the bloody Granola yet again! Not sure why but when faced with things that I struggle to digest, rather than avoiding it I crave it and often gorge on it. I did spend the rest of the day regretting my impulsive behaviour but as with anything in life you make your choices you have to live by them ;)
Saturday afternoon, after a quick change, making sure I was fully clean and as germ free as possible was spent visiting Kim and Matt and the girls.
For days spent with friends at their homes I'm less concerned about my bag showing. When you're in a safe environment it really isn't an issue. That said, it didn't show as far as I'm aware, I just don't fret about it at all.
Top from Burberry, Jean's Joni's from Topshop, Shoes Salvatore Ferragamo
I have had so much success with these Jean's. I've not had one leak or even a close call whilst wearing them, and I have eaten out a lot wearing them. Which is why I have bought so many of them. They are so comfy and on trend...although at my age I suppose that is less important but a bonus none the less. As ever I would advise anyone to approach them with caution, I bought one pair to start with and tested how well they worked for me, then I added to them. Ok I imagine 6 pairs is overkill but they are very very comfortable to wear. Besides my size is hard to get hold of, Size short & chubby isn't held in every store. :)
Visiting Kim, Matt and the girls is just heaven. I'm very very into babies, I adore them, bit of luck really as my chosen profession all those years ago when I worked was a Nanny. And Isabel and Megan are just adorable.
Top from Warehouse, Jean's Joni's from Topshop.
In absolute heaven! Chris's first meeting with the newbies!! Kim was rather clever making two babies at once, it means that when you go to visit you can always have a cuddle of someone. I'd just like to point out how well Kim looks. She's an absolute star, she's been very poorly indeed, still is actually but looking at her gorgeous smile you'd never know. xx
Sunday morning I "treated" Chris to a lie in (I'm a nightmare early riser, and a bit like Bagpuss in the sense that when Suzy's awake everyone should be awake!! hahahahahahahah...It takes all the strength I have not to wake everyone up.) I busied myself prepping a breakfast feast, having been inspired by Di the day before.
Steak and eggs for the boys (I don't eat red meat, haven't done for about 20 years I'm pretty much vegetarian for the most part). Yoghurt and fruit for me to soothe my aching belly from the Granola fest! :) I don't know if I'm getting any health benefit from not eating red or processed meat, It certainly didn't prevent me getting cancer to start with and I can't feel any benefit as I'm exhausted all the time but I'm hoping for long term gains hahahahahahaha.
It's amazing what you can put together when you wake up at 5 every day...I should go into farming or postwoman as a job! hahahahahahahah
Top from French Connection, Jeans from Topshop, Shoes from Gucci
Sunday Chris and I went out for lunch and this outfit worked a treat. I have a couple of pairs of the Joni ripped jeans, which I need as I very rarely get one days wear out of them, White and I aren't exactly great bedfellows as I'm a prolific spiller of food and stuff, but I still persevere. If I was going somewhere fancy or out with a group of friends I'd take a spare pair of jeans with me. White isn't the ostomites friend in general but simply preparing for the worst and hoping for the best gets you through the day. Hopeful and optimistic is how I like to get through life but prepared for any eventualities along the way. That way I don't ever feel like my stoma is ruling my life, I live the life I choose, just with added planning. :)
On that note, before I had my op I thought having a stoma would ruin my life, destroying it with its disgustingness....since having my colostomy I have discovered nothing, literally nothing could be further from the truth. Having it has improved and enhanced my world and has emboldened and empowered me personally too.
I can't speak for you or anyone but myself. I do understand that it isn't always an easy road to travel to find acceptance of having an ostomy, I get that I really do, all I can do is wish it for you as speedily as possible.