I can't be sure, one rarely knows how others see us but I'm pretty sure most people that know me would say I'm a content and happy little soul. (emotionally I mean...I'm usually greedily eyeing up the next pair of shoes or must have bag of course, but for the most part I'm happy with my lot.) It doesn't matter if I'm at the top of the Eiffel Tower sipping champagne or out in the garden cleaning out my chicken coop, I'm happy and grateful.
Every day I see or hear things that make me realise how bloody lucky I am. And a year on of writing my blogs I am overwhelmed by how absolutely blessed I am. Through writing this blog of mine I have 'met' some amazing people. A lot of those that have written to me have had a horrific time, and still they get up, get dressed and get on with it.
Its with them in mind that I thought I'd dedicate todays serving of the life and times of Suzanne Doré with practical help for people that need it most.
Just to make clear, I'm not getting kickbacks or payments from any of these sites or products, they are just things I've happened upon over the last year and thought they looked great, and I thought I'd pass it on...
Ostomy Connection is a great place to look for practical help and literally a connection to others in the same boat. I've never needed a support group but I totally get why people do. I'd never spoken to anyone with a stoma until I started gladrags. (I'm very self contained, I'm very lucky, again I don't take that for granted). A shared experience can make all the difference in life. There's always an interesting article on this site and its really worth checking out if you haven't already.
You can find Ostomy Connection on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Now I can't say I know much about this next one as I have a colostomy, which isn't too badly behaved at bag change time, but from what I've heard from people with ileostomy's is that it can be a right bugger to change the bag, especially if you happen to have a particularly active one. I can't personally recommend this product, but from what I read about it it sounds like at least in part the answer for a tricky to change stoma. I was thinking of getting one for myself for out and about use, even colostomies can take their owners by surprise sometimes. ;)
Again, I don't have personal experience with using covers but for those who feel they want to cover up a little more they'd be ideal. I might buy one myself for my holiday this year. I don't mind having my bag on show but a matching one for my bikini might be rather nice.
Having a stoma isn't something that causes me any problems, which I am very thankful for. I always remind myself there's ALWAYS a way round any problem, I like to view my stoma as exactly that. It can only be a positive from there on in.
I wish you well and I really hope that something on here is the answer you've been looking for. xx