This has been on my helpful hints section for a while but I thought I'd put it on the blog too as more people read them, what with summer fast approaching I wanted to share this info with as many people as possible. It could well revolutionise your stoma wear too, flights and fancy food may become that little bit easier...
I received an email from a very kind ileostomy user wanting to share her new find. After some 20 odd years of being an ostomite Rachel recently trialed a new product that has revolutionised her bag wearing and more importantly her food intake!
I have a colostomy rather than an ileostomy, therefore I don't need this product but Rachel was so pleased with the results, I felt I needed to forward the info on!
It's called MORFORM (other makes may well be available)
Rachel of Essex is very pleased with the results of Morform, although its come 20 years into her stoma journey, she couldn't be more pleased to have discovered it now, its a game changer!
"Pop a sachet into your bag and it thickens the contents...bloody amazing, I can now have fish and chips and not worry as that always makes my bag like water but not anymore I do feel the need to have fish and chips from Cornwall though as they are the best. a much needed weekend away I am feeling as a reward" Rachel.R